Right around springtime, when the flowers start to bloom and the bees start to buzz, people with allergies start to sneeze, their eyes start to itch and water. If you are one of these people you know exactly what I’m talking about. Allergies cause a reaction within the body creating symptoms of coughing, burning, itchy eyes, headache, hives, runny nose, skin rashes, cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. Everyone experiences a different intensity and combination of symptoms. Allergies are very common among humans.
Allergies are an exaggerated reaction by the body’s immune system to allergens. Allergens are nonparasitic antigens, which are generally harmless. However, for people who suffer with allergies, allergens cause the immune system to be hypersensitive. When the immune system recognizes an allergen, the body creates and releases histamines to fight off the allergen. The body’s creation of histamines is what causes all the symptoms that people experience with allergies. Itching, swelling, mucus production, muscle spasms, hives, rashes, coughing, diarrhea, headache, running nose, stomach cramps, and vomiting are some of the symptoms that can be experienced with allergic reactions.
Allergens come in all shapes, sizes and environments. Allergies can have both genetic and environmental factors. Inherited allergies are usually passed from the mother with a greater risk if both parents have allergies. Common allergens include dust, pollen, mold and pet dander. Allergic reactions can also occur form insect bites, jewelry, cosmetics, spices, foods, and drug interactions. Allergens are usually inhaled through the eyes, nose or mouth when you come into contact with them in the air. Allergens breathed through the nose cause a runny nose, itchy nose and throat, coughing, mucus production and wheezing. Inhalation into the lungs can cause an asthmatic response, constricting the airways and producing increased mucus in the lungs. Allergens that come into contact with the eyes cause itching, watering, swelling, and red eyes. Food allergies can cause nausea, abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, swelling and hives. Skin contact with allergens can cause contact dermatitis, rashes, swelling, inflammation, blisters, skin peeling and eczema. Responses to insect bites or medications such as aspirin or penicillin can produce a systematic response called anaphylaxis. Even more rare include reactions to temperature, sunlight, and friction.
Anyone who has ever experienced allergies knows that they appear out of nowhere and are quick to cause symptoms. Allergies are more of a hassle than anything. Treatment for allergies includes medications to counteract and prevent the symptoms. Pills, drops, injections, sprays, creams, and inhalers are all types of medications that treat allergy symptoms. Extreme allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis require immediate medical attention.

Author's Bio: 

Sarah Labdar graduated with a BA in exercise science and has worked in the medical field since. Her focus is alternative medicine and how it interacts and works in conjunction with traditional medicine. Check out my health website!
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