The human body was created with its own excretory system to cleanse and remove toxins, chemicals and metabolic waste. The liver, lungs, kidney, and blood remove all toxins, that are unusable, that harm the body or are not necessary for the body to function. Over thousands of years, humans have not only become civilized, but we have developed culturally and technologically. With new inventions comes new exposure to environmental pollutants. With change in lifestyle comes a change in diet and the food we eat. When the body is bombarded with toxins, chemicals and pollutants the excretory organs become overworked trying to remove them. The longer that these toxins remain in the body the more likely they can be reabsorbed. When toxins accumulate in the body they can cause symptoms of declining health. Therefore using a detox tea can stimulate and increase liver, kidney, and lung function to restore health and remove metabolic waste.
Detoxing is a way to assist the body’s natural forms of elimination through the digestive tract, the kidneys, liver, lungs and blood. Although, our bodies are fully equipped to handle cleansing and elimination of toxins on a day-to-day basis, there are times when assistance is needed. If too many toxins are present within the body at one time our system of cleansing can become overwhelmed. When our bodies become overwhelmed to the extent that it has trouble cleansing or eliminating the toxins symptoms become present to signify that detoxification is needed. Such symptoms can present as PMS, headaches, fatigue, indigestion, hay fever, acne, bloating, jaundice, decreased energy, sluggish digestion, immune deficiency, etc. Once any of these symptoms become apparent detoxification can be used to clean and remove the body of impurities and restore health.
There are many forms of detoxification available on the market today. One of the most prevalent is detox teas. Detox teas are an herbal tea composed of several herbs and spices. Traditional Chinese medicine has been using many of these same herbs for thousands of years for purification and cleansing needs. In detox teas the herbs are non-habit forming, all natural and caffeine free. Every detox tea has its own ingredients however some commonly used herbs include cinnamon, liquorice, ginger, dandelion, fennel, anise, juniper berries, burdock root, coriander, parsley, sage, cloves, turmeric, black pepper, fenugreek, and Echinacea.
The herbs simply assist in the bodies natural cleansing abilities, by encouraging increased liver function, assisting the breakdown of cortisone in the liver to aid in inflammation, simulating bile to increase fat digestion and protein synthesis. This promotes regular bowel movements to stop the reabsorption of toxins into the body. By drinking the tea you completely flush the excretory system of anything that is present. Therefore not only are toxins and chemicals eliminated but food preservatives, additives, sugar and nutrients are removed as well. This is why some people think detox diets are good for weight loss. However this is not a healthy or smart way to try to lose weight.
Detox tea regiments recommend drinking a glass or two of tea at night before you go to bed. This allows the herbs to take effect in your body while you sleep. Therefore when you awake you can properly eliminate the waste through normal means of disposal. If you drink the tea throughout the day you will spend more time going to the bathroom than doing much of anything else. Drinking the tea over a period of a week allows for the toxins that are stored in fat cells and other cellular structures to be removed, in addition it allows for the body to adjust to the removal of substances that should not be present in the body in the first place. As the body eliminates debris from the lungs, liver, stomach, kidneys, and blood, there may be some side effects such as headache or fatigue. This is the body’s reaction to the removal of toxins, the stimulation of the cleansing process and the strengthening of the immune system. Symptoms should subside within a day or two. Once finished you should feel refreshed with a renewed energy and ability to function and concentrate. Your mood will be calm and more positive and digestion should return to normal.
To maintain your health you should consider doing a detox cleanse every 3-6 months depending upon your exposure to toxins and if symptoms of liver stagnation or deficiency reoccur. Detox teas are readily available at natural grocery stores, health food stores, and even some naturopathic doctors carry them such as chiropractors. They are inexpensive and you should never use an entire box in one sitting. Therefore it is easy to keep a detox tea on hand. Always read the directions before use because some detox teas are more potent than others and may require different steps.
Sarah Labdar graduated with a BA in exercise science and has worked in the medical field since. Her focus is alternative medicine and how it interacts and works in conjunction with traditional medicine.
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