Sometimes along our journey there comes a time when a choice has to be made about how much effort we are putting into something. I’m sure you’ve all had the experience of wanting something so badly that you would do just about anything to have it or make it happen. Determination is one of the ... Views: 3810
Many years ago, I attended a seminar given by Caroline Myss in Los Angeles, CA. During the course of the seminar, one young man raised his hand and asked a question. It seems he was confused, not yet knowing what to do with his life and facing a variety of job offers and opportunities. But he ... Views: 1396
Have you ever had someone ask you if you knew what your life's purpose was and felt completely stumped? I certainly have, it just sounded so daunting and so big that all I could say was, "Oh gosh if only I knew! I've been trying to figure that out for years!" But when asked what I was ... Views: 2902
As a child, there was a saying framed in our home that said, “Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life.”
It took many years for me to completely understand what this meant, but when I did, I realized the past is definitely behind us and we have the ability every moment of every day to ... Views: 2165
Trying to explain the Law of Attraction to people can sometimes be challenging, especially when we’re talking about vibrations and energy. So, I came up with a very simple way of explaining this Universal Law so that even children can understand it.
We are always broadcasting (Being ... Views: 1607
We are all faced with things we have to do all the time; it’s just part of life. But sometimes, it can feel a bit overwhelming and when it does, adding one more thing can be the straw that broke the camels back. Plus, it lowers your emotions and your energy.
You might hear yourself saying ... Views: 1847
In my field, I am often asked the question, “How do I learn to say “no” sometimes?” I believe the best way to answer this question is to get to the core of it, which I believe is to instead ask, “Am I making this choice based on approval, or from my authentic self?”
Let me explain.
At ... Views: 1575
There have been many times in my life that I have operated from the belief that no matter what it was I wanted to do or put out into the world, it had to be perfect before I could ever share it. I wasn’t going to launch my website, write any articles or hold a teleseminar until I was already ... Views: 2439
Symbols and images are known to evoke deep emotional responses on all of us, which is why watching television shows including the News can be so addicting. Television and video game producers are masters at getting, and holding our attention, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, what ... Views: 2252
What exactly IS a Life Coach?
Coaching has become the leading tool that successful people use to live extraordinary lives. The life coaching profession is certainly not new, though it is fast becoming popular due to peoples’ increased interest in personal development and an overall need to ... Views: 1912
There are known cultures, such as the Senio Tribe in Malaysia who after being observed in the 1930’s have been said, upon waking, to share their dreams as a community, as part of the beginning of each day. These were a people who existed in harmony with nature and with their neighbors, and ... Views: 1622
Relationships take time to develop, there’s no doubt about it. They require care, focus, dialog, patience, and an open mind. Often, we have to teach ourselves how to hear with a more sensitive ear, or see with more insightful eyes. Sometimes we have to trust our intuitions and follow the ... Views: 1952
In a special room in my house, I have the following saying framed, “Love me when I least deserve it, because that’s when I need it the most.” I almost cried when I found this piece, knowing that I have been both the one who needed to feel loved, and the one who needed to share love with someone ... Views: 2856
It’s interesting to realize that we spend approximately 6-8 hours of our daily life sleeping. When you add that up over a lifetime, that’s almost 1/3 of our lives! Along with all the benefits that sleep offers including rejuvenating the body, mind and spirit, there is another benefit that we ... Views: 6041