What Is Constipation?
Being constipated means your bowel movements are tough or happen less often than normal. Almost everyone goes through it at some point.
Although it’s not usually serious, you'll feel far better when your body is back on target .
The normal length of your time between ... Views: 443
•What Is An Anal Fistula?
An anal fistula may be a tunnel that runs from inside the anus -- the opening your body uses to urge obviate solid waste -- to somewhere within the skin around it. it always follows an infection that didn’t heal the proper way. Your doctor can repair the fistula, but ... Views: 429
Many people have suffered from piles, but the symptoms aren't always obvious. Hemorrhoids cause noticeable symptoms for a minimum of 50 percent of individuals in India before the age of fifty years.
This article will explore the piles, and their causes, the way to diagnose, grade, and treat ... Views: 424
What is Pilonidal Sinus or Pilonidal Cyst?
Pilonidal Sinus is a small sac in the skin. It develops at the top of the cleft of the buttocks. It doesn’t cause any noticeable symptoms until or unless it becomes infected. Signs of infection include pain, swelling, and redness.
Why does ... Views: 471
Hemorrhoids or piles are swollen blood vessels near the anal opening and can cause severe pain while passing motions. The common symptoms of piles include bleeding, itching around the anus (Pruritus Ani) or feeling of lump outside the anus. Depending upon the severity of the disease hemorrhoids ... Views: 476
Varicose Veins commonly observed in legs are twisted or swollen veins that have lost their elasticity. It occurs when valves of veins are unable to prevent backflow, thus causing the pooling of blood. Varicose veins are quite often a cosmetic concern, especially in women. They can be easily ... Views: 533
“Pilonidal Sinus” is an Italian term, which means a nest of hair, highlighting the main cause of the disease – ingrown hair. It’s a less known ailment but is common among the young generation, especially males between an age group of 20 to 30. A pilonidal cyst is a cystic structure developed ... Views: 463
Itching of the skin around the anus can be agonizing especially if one is stranded in a public place with no escape in view. More often than not the cause behind this itch is easily addressed. Occasionally, however, persistent severe itching can cause psychological stress to the sufferer and ... Views: 482
Fistula-in-ano, a silent yet agonizing ailment, has always posed a treatment challenge to surgeons worldwide. The refractory nature of Fistula along with its tendency to recur continues to leave the best doctors perplexed. Consequently, those suffering from this condition find themselves ... Views: 448
A Hernia is a sac formation due to weakness in the abdominal muscles. A Hernia occurs when the contents of a body cavity bulge out of the area where they are normally contained. Any activity that increases pressure on the abdominal area can worsen a hernia.
We at Healing Hands Clinic provides ... Views: 439
Varicose veins are swollen or twisted veins under the skin. They are usually found in the legs or feet and are common in now a day due to lifestyle issues. They don’t create any serious problem but are of cosmetic concern in females.
Causes of Varicose Veins
• They are usually found in ... Views: 508
Piles or hemorrhoids are veins around or inside the rectum that have become inflamed. Piles can be classified into Internal or External hemorrhoids depending upon their location. External hemorrhoids are found outside the anus while internal hemorrhoids are found inside the rectum.
Symptoms ... Views: 446
आपल्यापैकी बहुतेक लोकांना गुदद्वाराच्या भागाशी संबंधित कोणतीही समस्या असली तरी ती एकतर मूळव्याध असणार किंवा मग फिशर असे वाटते. आपल्या शब्दसंग्रहामध्ये या दोहोंपैकी कोणता शब्द रुजलेला आहे, त्यावर स्वतः केलेले हे निदान ठरते. निष्काळजीपणे केले जाणारे हे निदान फक्त वेदनाच वाढवत नाही, तर सोपी ... Views: 540
What is Constipation?
Constipation is having less than 3 bowel movements per week. It also means passing hard stools or difficulty in evacuating the bowel. When constipation occurs for several weeks then it becomes chronic constipation and then it may cause significant pain and discomfort and ... Views: 457
Going to the toilet in the morning is a nightmare for some people. If going to the toilet is painful for hours or days then there is something serious. If there is blood in the stool or on toilet paper or there is pain near the anal area then people may consider it as piles or hemorrhoids. But ... Views: 416
For many patients, it is very difficult to go to the toilet in the morning due to painful piles or hemorrhoids. Piles or mulvyadh are swollen blood vessels near the anal opening. They can be felt inside the rectum or it can be a lump outside the rectum. Depending upon the severity of the disease ... Views: 399
खालच्या अंगाशी संबंधित एखादी समस्या उद्भवली की आपण बहुतेकजण ते लपविण्याचा येनकेनप्रकारेण प्रयत्न करतो, कदाचित सरत्या काळाबरोबर किंवा दुर्लक्ष करून ती बरी होईल या आशेने. बहुतेकदा योग्य तो उपचार न करता; पुढची पायरी म्हणजे काही इंटरनेट हॅक करून पाहणे किंवा जवळच्या एखाद्या वैदूकडे जाणे. परिणाम? एक ... Views: 560
Anal Fistula is an abnormal connection that forms between the anal canal (terminal part of the intestine) and the skin of the bottom. The symptoms make it undesirable to patients and doctors usually find it extremely challenging to treat. While there is a dearth of specialists treating this ... Views: 477
An obstetric fistula is a small channel between the vagina and rectum or bladder that is caused by prolonged obstructed labor when the unborn baby cannot pass through the pelvis. It may be due to the baby is too big for the pelvis or lying in the wrong position or pelvis is not fully developed. ... Views: 581
Piles or Hemorrhoids or Mulvyadh are swollen blood vessels inside and around the anus. They become an issue when they cause problems like itching and/or swelling around the anus, or bleeding while passing stools. If you are suffering from piles or hemorrhoids then there is no need to suffer in ... Views: 482
A hernia is a weakness in the abdominal wall, that often results in bulging out of fat, which then occupies space under the skin. It appears like a sac and is usually formed due to weakness of abdominal muscles. The opening in the abdominal wall through which the fat or organs protrude is called ... Views: 472
Constipation is defined as the difficulty in passing stools. It is generally defined as less than 3 bowel movements per week. It also means passing hard stools, passing stools infrequently, or difficulty in evacuating bowels.
Causes of Constipation:
• Lack of fluids or fiber-rich diet.
• ... Views: 515
Pilonidal Sinus is a cyst or infection that forms in the top cleft of the buttocks. It may develop due to irritation to ingrown hairs.
Causes of Pilonidal Sinus
• Common in males.
• A sedentary lifestyle which includes sitting for long period of time.
• Thick and curly hairs near the ... Views: 745
Varicose Veins are twisted or swollen veins under the skin. They are generally seen in legs or feet. They do not cause any problem but it can be a cause of cosmetic concern in females.
Varicose Veins Causes:
• It is more common in females as compared to males because of hormonal factors ... Views: 438
फिस्टुला ( भगंदर ) ही एक असामान्य स्थिती आहे ज्यात आतड्यांच्या हालचालीच्या शेवटी पासून गुदाच्या सभोवतालच्या त्वचेपर्यंत बोगदा आहे. जेव्हा गुद्द्वारात द्रव भरले जातात जे अडकतात तेव्हा ते संसर्गजन्य ऊतकांकडे वळतात. हे पुरुष आणि स्त्रिया दोघांमध्येही सामान्य आहे.
फिस्टुलाची लक्षणे कोणती ... Views: 515
Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin, the tissue covering the glans of the penis. It has its origin in religious rites and is an ancient practice. The decision of doing circumcision is a personal one. It is a matter of family tradition or personal hygiene. Sometimes it is also ... Views: 700
The hernia is a weakness or opening in the abdominal wall through which the internal organs come out. Some patients may feel pressure or see a bulge or may even feel discomfort. Others may feel pain during exercise or doing any routine activity.
Healing Hands Clinic is a certified center of ... Views: 455
What is Ayurvedic Treatment?
Ayurvedic treatment is a traditional Hindu therapeutic practice. It was originated in India but now it is used worldwide. Ayurvedic treatment includes lifestyle modification, herbal medicines, and diet to treat any kind of disease.
What are ... Views: 449
Fistula is a small tunnel that develops between the end of the bowel and skin around the anal area. It is formed due to infected glands that create the abscess.
Causes of Anal Fistula
• The main cause of fistula is an infection of anal glands. This infection leads to anal abscess or pus. ... Views: 493
Varicose Veins
Varicose Veins are the swollen or enlarged veins under the skin which occurs when valves don’t work effectively and flow of blood is not proper. They don’t require treatment until there is pain or swelling.
Causes of Varicose Veins
• It is common in women due to hormonal ... Views: 411
Fistula is a small tunnel that develops between the end of the bowel and skin around the anal area. It is formed due to infected glands that create the abscess.
Causes of Anal Fistula
• The main cause of fistula is an infection of anal glands. This infection leads to anal abscess or pus. ... Views: 433
Piles or mulvyadh are enlarged blood vessels in the lower part of the rectum. They are uncomfortable if they are developed outside the rectum. They are painless if developed inside the rectum or anus. Based on this; piles or hemorrhoids are classified into 2 types generally known as External ... Views: 458
पाइल्स किंवा हॅमरोहाइडच्या गुदद्वारासंबंधाच्या रक्तवाहिना सूज येते. पाइल्सला मूळव्याध म्हणून पण ओळखले जाते तसेच ते गुदद्वाराच्या आतील किंवा बाहेरील भागात विकसित होऊ शकतात म्हणून ते अंतर्गत आणि बाह्य पाइल्समध्ये वर्गीकृत केले जाते. रोग तीव्रतेच्या आधारे पाइल्स चार श्रेणीत विभागल्या ... Views: 488
Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels, usually found near the lower part of the rectum or anus. Hemorrhoids is a clinical term also referred to as piles, mulvyadh or bavasir. Hemorrhoids are of two types: Internal and External.
Internal piles or hemorrhoids are found inside the rectum and ... Views: 515
What is Pilonidal Sinus?
Pilonidal sinus is the problem or infection in the area between the buttocks. Pilonidal Sinus is an Italian term which means nest of hair. The main cause of this problem is ingrown hairs and it is common in youngsters of the age 20-30.
Common Symptoms of Pilonidal ... Views: 481
Piles or hemorrhoids are swollen tissues near the opening of the anal area. Piles also are known as mulvyadh can develop inside or outside the anus. So these are classified into internal and external piles. Piles are divided into four grades depending upon the severity of the disease.
Grade ... Views: 467
Piles or haemorrhoids are the swellings of blood vessels near the anus. Whenever there occurs a pressure on blood vessels they become swollen and a lump is formed at the anal opening.
Why Healing Hands Clinic?
Dr. Ashwin Porwal, lead surgeon at Healing Hands Clinic has received hands-on ... Views: 448
What is Fissure?
Anal fissures are cut or tear near the anal opening and these are commonly found in both men and women. These are of two types: acute and chronic fissures. If the fissure is present for less than 6 weeks then it is called an acute fissure and if it is present for more than 6 ... Views: 462
Fistula is an abnormal condition in which there is a tunnel from the end of bowel movement to the skin around the anus. When the anus is filled up with fluids that get clogged then it leads to infectious tissues. It is common in both men and women.
What are the Symptoms of Fistula?
• ... Views: 508
Healing Hands Clinic deals with the Moto of “curing with care”. Towards the concern of wellbeing of our patients, we always bring in the latest of medical innovations, the best of equipment’s and state-of-the-art facilities, following and adopting the standards and all protocols. We ensure ... Views: 467
Rectal prolapse occurs when rectum (last few inches of the large intestine) or part of it becomes stretched out and protrudes into other organs or may even extend out of the anus. This problem is more common in women above the age of 50 as compared to men. Children of both the sex under the age ... Views: 482
Ignoring the urge to pass stools: Whenever you receive the signal to go to the toilet, drop everything you are doing and evacuate bowels. When you control the urge to pass stools it puts more pressure on veins around the anus.
Chronic constipation or diarrhea: If you are suffering from ... Views: 502
Most of the people suffer from colorectal issues; these must be discussed with the right doctor at the right time. Because these issues can’t be resolved by their own and may lead to worse conditions. One of the complex problem; anal fistulas are treated at our clinic, Healing Hands Clinic, by ... Views: 585
What is Circumcision?
Circumcision can be considered as the most common surgical procedure in which foreskin is removed from the penis. This surgery is mostly performed on newly born infants attributed to cultural ritual or religious belief. In some cases, it is owing to preventive healthcare ... Views: 820
An anal Fistula (Bhagandar/Fistula in ano) is abnormal connection between end of the bowel and skin around the anus. These are related with anorectal abscess formation and are common in both male and females. Anal abscess is usually treated though surgery. More than 50% of abscesses are formed ... Views: 463
Constipation is having less than 3 bowel moments per week or feeling difficulty in passing hard stools. If you include diet rich in fiber and increase fluid intake then there are very less chances that constipation will occur. But there are varieties of foods that may lead to constipation. These ... Views: 562
Pilonidal Sinus is a hole or cyst in skin at the top of the cleft of the buttocks or cleavage between the buttocks. Cyst is usually filled with pus or fluid. It contains hairs and dirt that may lead to infection. The main causes of pilonidal sinus are harmonal changes after puberty, hair growth, ... Views: 586
Anal fissure is a cut or small tear near the anus (The opening through which stool passes out of the body). It occurs in both men and women and even infants of all ages. It usually causes pain and even bleeding during bowel movements . In most cases it heals within one to two months that is ... Views: 434
A hernia happens when an interior organ or other body part distends through the muscular wall or tissue. A hernia is a common problem. It causes a localized lump or bulge in the belly. The bulge may get greater when you hold up. It might leave when you rest. Pressure may be felt at this place ... Views: 477
Home Remedies for Treatment of Piles
Piles (Bawasir), clinically known as hemorrhoids, is a very common lifestyle disease. Haemorrhoids are mainly a result of following wrong habits. So before looking for medical remedies, one should assess one’s own lifestyle and seek answers to ... Views: 597