You may have noticed that in my personal life and in my business coaching I place a lot of importance on creativity.
Not just because I think it's an essential component of living an abundant life, but also because it's an important aspect of business success.
Although it may seem ... Views: 1396
When the going gets tough, the tough go do something fun.
Listen, it is highly likely that you'll have days that are less fluid than others. Days that present challenges. Days where you want to throw your computer out the window and auction off your first-born.
When you own your business, ... Views: 1313
Do you ever feel like it's an uphill battle to build your business so that it's profitable?
Well, you're not alone! Most entrepreneurs begin their business because of their passion. Who knew there was so much to learn about how to make that passion profitable, right? I know that business ... Views: 1273
Of course we all want our clients to succeed. They win; we win.
Part of our job as service providers is to build the confidence of those we serve so that they may go out and better help others.
It's a wonderful cycle. Let it begin with you.
But we've all had that client who just ... Views: 1161
As entrepreneurs and business owners we hear the phrase Value Your Time, a TON. But what does that really mean?
Does it mean charge more money? Work less? Work smarter (another ambiguous phrase)?
What does it mean?
I think it's somewhat different for everyone.
But there is one ... Views: 1234
The Question That Says It All: How?
It's no secret that in this day and age keeping a small business open and thriving is not an easy task to tackle. You have to overload yourself with knowledge in order to be successful and remain fresh to your target market. What's the first step to staying ... Views: 1199
Oooh, doesn't that sound good?
I know how it is. You want to create a newsletter and send it out to your community. You really do. But...
But what? What stops you?
Here's one of the biggest fears small business owners have: "Once I send a newsletter I'll have to keep sending it out on a ... Views: 1124
Is this familiar ...
Here you are, working on your business, just like you do every day.
Oh, wait a minute. I see that you're reading email right now.
You have so much to do today, but somehow, here you are, reading email ... again.
I know, I know. You intend to get some seriously ... Views: 1128
You're no stranger to the overwhelm associated with an ever-increasing to-do list; no entrepreneur is.
But there's a simple reframe we can apply to move from overwhelm to 'over and done.'
Take a look at your to-do list, and instead of viewing it as an exasperating army of tasks clamoring ... Views: 1213
I don't need a plan.
Oh, the joy of spontaneity!
Going with the flow is the way to be (I even said so myself in a previous article).
And let's not forget the old adage that variety is the spice of life!
With these sentiments guiding us, who needs a plan?!
Some of you love to be ... Views: 1165
Here we are, already into the new year, can you believe it?
How's it going for you?
The New Year is infused with a monumental surge of energy; you'd have to be stuck in a cave somewhere to miss it. People far and wide publicly declare their intentions, goals, and desires for the upcoming ... Views: 1222
Is business starting to feel like a slow drain on your soul? Are you beginning to begrudge every moment spent in front of your computer, or do you attack it, frisky and excited for what's to come?
If you're feeling somewhat slumped at the sight of your work, it's probably time to implement ... Views: 1159
Is sending out a regular newsletter (and email marketing in general,) a waste of your time?
Even though social media and text messages have become a daily habit, the fact remains that email marketing – including a business newsletter – remains one of the most effective and cost-efficient ... Views: 950
Shiny object syndrome is the downfall of many small businesses. Especially solo entrepreneurs.
You've got to focus
I could end this post with that sentence, because in all seriousness, focus is as imperative to your success as knowledge or skill.
The information available to ... Views: 1012
Let's start with what a complimentary consultation is not.
It is not a place to give away free coaching, consulting, or services.
In my business philosophy, a complimentary consultation is not a place for a 'hard sell' either.
The purpose of a complimentary consultation, also referred ... Views: 1504
In the winter, if your car can't get traction on an icy patch, your tires will spin and spin when you accelerate.
If you get really freaked out about being stuck on the icy road and keep stomping on the accelerator, do you get more traction? Does your car move forward? Not usually.
How ... Views: 1229
One of the biggest challenges I hear from my clients and people I talk with is coming up with topics and content for their newsletters, ezines, and blog posts. This is also the number one reason people tell me they don't communicate with their tribe or community consistently - if at all. Can you ... Views: 1035
Running your business can be a veritable rollercoaster of emotions. When clients, money, and new ideas are flowing the high is almost untouchable, but that feeling of elation is often followed by moments of doubt, fear, and blockage.
Every piece of that cycle is normal, but having a solid ... Views: 1711
As an entrepreneur, there are soooo many things to learn, aren't there?
Skills are pretty easy to gain: you can search on YouTube, purchase training programs or hire someone to do it for you.
Perhaps not so easy though is believing in yourself and your business, overcoming your fears and ... Views: 1265
What happens when you leave a potted plant unwatered?
Does it thrive?
Not hardly. That poor thing becomes the next fire's kindling.
Your business without self-promotion is that plant without water; it will die.
We all know this; it's no secret, but hoards of people feel as though ... Views: 1106
Relationships are so important in every aspect of life.
No matter where you go or what you do, relationships are at the core of everything. This is especially true in the business world.
Sometimes we forget, but quite honestly, the core of your successful business is your relationship with ... Views: 1150
Many people feel content to sit back and let others lead.
But if you are to be the CEO and head of your business, you must also become a leader of others.
In fact, when you embrace and exercise your leadership qualities, your business will grow substantially.
Ah, but it's not so simple, ... Views: 1158
Picture this; you're sitting in a dark corner of a coffee shop when you spot your dream guy (or girl) sipping their double cappuccino at a table on the other side of the room.
You know they're the one. You have to meet them. You've been waiting for someone exactly like them to walk into your ... Views: 974
We hear these phrases often: Step Into Your Power, Own Your Worth. But what do they really mean, and how do you do it?
To be in your power is not to be forceful, manipulative, or aggressive.
To be in your power is to be in alignment. To be in your power is to trust that you are in the ... Views: 1784
We are bombarded with information. All the time!
Every day, or so it seems, entrepreneurs are bombarded with ideas and information about how to do things.
At times, it can make you feel like you don't know how to do anything. And that you're not only overwhelmed, but also hopelessly ... Views: 1305
What IS a core message anyway?
You're told you need one (true).
You're told without it your business will suffer (also true).
You're pretty much given a mandate to get one. A core message, that is.
But WHAT is it really?
The core message of your business and brand is that system ... Views: 1209
Today is a fresh start.
Every day, as they say, is a fresh start.
Only sometimes it doesn't feel that way, does it?
Too often it seems as though you'll never reach your goals - especially the ones that matter to you the most.
It seems like your goals and dreams are still out there in ... Views: 1564
You are a busy entrepreneur. Your to-do list is endless. There is always more to be done; yes, indeed. There is knowledge to be gained. There are marketing strategies to be employed. There are programs to be launched.
Ever feel like that?
Ever wonder why you're doing what you're doing on a ... Views: 1758
People talk a lot about action. What should I do? How should I act? What's the next step in this uncharted entrepreneurial adventure?
Action is important. I talk a lot about it, too. And yet ... I believe there is far too much talk of action, and not nearly enough talk about mindset.
What ... Views: 1224
To create success in your business there are lots of steps you can be taking. In fact, it can be overwhelming and frankly, downright confusing, to decide what you should or shouldn't be doing. Am I right?
To be honest, the steps you need to take in order to build your successful business may ... Views: 1378
Oh boy, it's so easy to look around at all the businesses out there and mirror, listen to, and follow the advice of how they found their success, isn't it?
It seems simple to chase this or that proven formula to success.
I mean, it worked for that guru, or expert, or multi-millionaire, it ... Views: 1183
It’s an all too familiar story: you have way too much to do and not enough time to do it.
You want (and need!) to be more productive and get more done, but clutter is everywhere and getting in your way. It may be physical clutter, mind clutter, or a horrid combination of even more than ... Views: 1892
We’ve all been there: wanting to grow our business but not knowing what to do or how to do it. There are so many options and tasks to do each day; it can feel like you’re going crazy (I’m not the only one, am I?!)
Instead of being pulled in ten different directions, there are a few simple steps ... Views: 1275
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your workload?
Do you find you can’t keep up with critical deadlines?
I know you don’t want to hear this, but... You’re probably not managing your time well enough.
To Make A List... Or Not
A to-do list that works is more than a list of all the things ... Views: 1364
The short answer?
If you are an entrepreneur or a small business owner, you do.
What IS a Business Coach?
Business coaching has become sort of a hybrid between coaching and consulting.
First let’s define the difference.
A coach is an accredited certification. A coach works with ... Views: 1089