The resent statistics and researches have revealed that obesity or over weight is a growing global health problem. A person is called over weight or obese, when his/her weight is more than normal. Factors like age, height and race are considered to calculate normal weight of a person. Obesity leads to several other health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure or hypertension, erectile dysfunction, increased cholesterol and heart diseases. Obesity results when a person over eats and does no physical activities. Here is a list of few guaranteed ways to lose weight and beat obesity.

When you realize that you are over weight, immediately consult a physician or dietician and start following a weight loss program. Never postpone or procrastinate this. Just get started and do something to lose weight.

Set your goals to achieve weight loss. Keep small targets or small goal which can be achieved in short span of time. Achieving small goals encourages you on weight loss path.

Concentrate on losing fat in every stage of daily routine.

The total number of calories used by your body per day is known as Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). A normal person needs 2000 Calories for his daily activities. Reducing the daily calorie intake (i.e., less than 2000calories) and increasing the calorie expenditure (more than 2000 calories) help to reduce fat. When we consume fewer calories our body metabolizes the stored fat to meet the caloric needs of body.

Keep track of food you eat and their approximate caloric value.

Strictly say no to sweets, soft drinks, refined sugar, chocolates, ice creams etc.

Avoid saturated fats, fried foods and deep fried foods. Even small quantities of Oils and fats have high calories in them.

Avoid junk foods, jams, refined flours, etc as they contain fewer nutrients and more calories.

Welcome fresh vegetables, green leafy vegetables, fruits, lean meat, legumes and other healthy foods, on your plate.

Include whole grains in your diet and recipes. Whole grains have more nutrients and fibers.

Divide your diet in 5-6 small portions spread over a day. The best way is 3 small meals 2 healthy snacks. Calories from small meals are used quickly.

Eat your food slowly. Take at least 20 minutes to finish your meals. Our brain takes 20 minutes to send the satiety signal (signal to say that stomach is full). This prevents consumption of extra calories.

Increase your physical activities. This compels body to use stored fat.

Aerobic exercises help to burn fat and increase TDEE

Lifting weights helps to get rid of more fat .This work out tones up muscles too.

Drink plenty of water to aid digestion and prevent dehydration.

Avoid alcohol. Consumption of alcohol increases hunger and leads to snacking.

Try to implement all these 17 ways in your weight loss program to achieve good weight loss.

Author's Bio: 

This article is copy righted. The author Dr.SavithaSuri is an Ayurvedic Physician and web master of Ayurveda-food, diet and nutrition .Read more at 17 ways to lose weight