There are many ways to be perpetually miserable. Although we are all vastly different in many ways, we share common themes around the subject of misery. In fact, misery is a pattern than emerges in many people's lives far too often. I've outlined some manifestations of misery here and filed them ... Views: 1601
Seeking love keeps you from the awareness that you already have it - that you are it. -- Bryon Katie
Post-Dramatic Valentine’s Day Suffering Syndrome (PDVSS) is a syndrome that I made up to describe the 25 years of suffering that characterized my life, especially around February the 14th. ... Views: 1696
What drags you down? I'll share what does it for me.
My negative thoughts can attack me on even the best of days. They are so persistent and so effective that I have come to call them The Undercurrent.
The Undercurrent is a quiet, unseen, and vicious tug that is always running just beneath ... Views: 1328
Stories can create your reality. Which reality will you choose?
What kinds of stories do you tell yourself?
Here are a few common examples of stories:
• I can’t lose weight!
• I’ll never find love!
• I’m too old, fat, thin, stupid, short, tall, etcetera!
Stories are the collection ... Views: 1600
The past is far from the ideal place to set up residence, but I've been living in it for quite a while now. The past is a familiar neighborhood, and I am afraid it might be hard to leave, but leave it I must if I want to start actually living before an alarming death rattle comes up through my ... Views: 1464