When we are better equipped to recognise the traps set by our own ego, we can consider how exposing these traps can lead us further on the path to an awareness of our true identity in the world. We all have the power to adjust our life path if we wish to. We just need to become aware of the ... Views: 1129
Every living thing is made up of energy vibrations. Everything has its own ‘energy imprint’ that is called its vibration. These vibrations have rhythmic patterns that move almost constantly, like the swinging of a pendulum. When you start to find yourself developing psychic skills, you are ... Views: 1348
I remember a lady who asked me to help her with a situation regarding psychic attack. In this instance it was particularly unpleasant. The lady worked in a hospital where there was a nurse who was familiar with Voodoo magic. She was using it on patients and staff, terrifying all with whom she ... Views: 2131
One of the world's most famous experts on mental health, Carl Jung had regular conversations with his 'imaginary' friend Philemon during his adult years. So how do we know if it's a person in spirit we're experiencing around us, or simply our imagination?
Like many people whom I have come ... Views: 1037
A man I spoke to recently told me how he just couldn’t get beyond a certain point. He told me about how deeply intuitive he is with regard to other people and how they should progress in life but he couldn’t work out how to move his own life forward.
Looking at his energy, before me I ... Views: 1074
Wealth is the key to building your confidence. Wealth is not money, it is a state of mind. That state of mind happens to attract money but it isn’t the physical aspect of coins in your pocket or notes in your purse. Your amount of debt and the ability to pay it reflects your current ... Views: 1188
The energy this year has already started with a great deal of optimism and is much more progressive than 2010. The foundation phase has finished, it is now the time to be clear on what it is you want to change, rather than live in ‘hope’ of your life progressing differently.
Take time to ... Views: 1294
Gavin asked me about Jessica, a girl he'd been interested in for a while but hadn't the courage to approach. I told him all about Jessica, her likes and dislikes and all the things that are important to her. I also told him how she was indeed attracted to him but she was not prepared to give up ... Views: 1223
How to harness and manage the ego into its rightful place, using it as the tool it was meant to be.
“I did it! I finally had the courage and saw it through. I never thought I could. It worked! I can’t believe it worked!”
These are the words of a woman I had been talking to about the ... Views: 1647
This is one of the more mysterious parts to psychic development, a fascinating experience of which we are all capable.
I can remember two distinct astral travel experiences during the early part of my psychic development. One involved visiting the site of a building I later found to be the ... Views: 1443
Have you have ever wondered as to your soul’s purpose, why you are here? The Book of Life will provide the answers.
I remember clearly the first time I intentionally accessed the Akashic records. I went to look for details in my life at a time when I was feeling stuck. I had clear questions ... Views: 4159
Do we understand those little signs and messages that come into our lives every day? Do we pay them attention, or dismiss them as coincidence?
“There is no such thing as coincidence” – a saying we hear often! It is true to say there is no such thing as coincidence; all is pre-planned on a ... Views: 3890
Despite the fact there has been a fascination with psychic phenomena throughout Europe and America for well over a hundred years, there has been little research into what makes someone inclined to become a psychic.
There are though many commonalities in people who are likely to become ... Views: 1290
How to detect angelic presence and distinguish between angels and spirit guides.
Guardian Angels are assigned to us at birth and remain with us throughout our lifetime. An angel guide on the other hand is one that we can call upon for extra assistance. All of us can call upon many angels, in ... Views: 7803
Guardian Angels are assigned to us at birth and remain with us throughout our lifetime. An angel guide on the other hand is one that we can call upon for extra assistance. All of us can call upon many angels, in addition to our Guardian Angel, to help us in any situation. Their role is to steer ... Views: 1786
In order for the soul energy to heal parts of its past or conclude an ongoing scenario, it creates present situations or feelings that direct a person towards their past lives. These may come in several formats. They may come in the form of unexplained fears or phobias, where it does not add ... Views: 1272
Speaking to Spirit ….. how to feel and hear spirit
Speaking to spirit is different from talking to your friends or next door neighbour. If you are lucky enough to see a spirit in a physical form, you will notice their method of communication is not through their mouth but through a thought ... Views: 1507
Opening up to your Spirit Guides – ways to open or enhance your connection with them.
It is more and more recognised that everyone is born with a guide who is there to help throughout our life. Some people have additional guides who come to help them with a specific lesson they need to learn ... Views: 2604
Accelerated Soul Development – is this the reserve of the special ‘few’?
We are all capable of exercising our psychic abilities. Like any other area of human endeavour, some people excel in different skills to others. However, there is no ‘magic stick’ with which those who experience psychic ... Views: 1264
Here are some of my Top Tips for Psychic Development!
Meditation & Inner Work
We are all very used to living in the physical world, meditation is considered boring by many people, and inner work is avoided because of the potential skeletons it uncovers but both are vital for psychic ... Views: 1054
Fear is not to be avoided. When in proper balance, it is to be welcomed as a guide and a friend.
Fear is an emotion that many of us strive to eliminate, or at the very least, hide. Fear, though, has an important function: it warns of the unknown and the possible dangers of something being ... Views: 1342
My son aged 2, toddled into the changing room of the gym after spending an hour in the crèche. “Here you are Charles, this the key, go and find mummy’s locker.” I said it with enthusiasm, it was an activity meant to keep him amused for the next twenty minutes whilst I showered. An endless sea ... Views: 1101