I'm fascinated by the things that were said almost 50 years ago and how they might apply today. Frances Schaffer always seemed to transcend time. In his book The God Who is There, I found these observations for the Latter Half of the Twentieth Century:
It is my hope that this book may be ... Views: 1271
A well-prepared question delivered on time will help you close sales. A dumb question (yes I actually said that) will cost you an important opportunity every time.
I see this all the time. The sales rep gets a great opportunity. He wants me to see just how well he can present. Then he opens ... Views: 2747
You want the best way to penetrate the marketplace with your goods/services. Capturing the market share and making boat loads of money in the process. You hear all the hype about the latest approach to getting your message out to the masses. But there is one place that you can focus your ... Views: 4033
Every person you encounter will always have that One Big Thing that keeps them from doing whatever it is that you are trying to persuade them to. You know it is there, but you are never quite sure what it is. You know that it stands in the way of your desired result. If you only knew what it ... Views: 3598
You were put here on this earth for a purpose. You have chosen to fill that role as a Sales Professional. That's what you are a Sales Professional. You are the key to the American economy! You hold in your hand the power to change the world. Because nothing happens until a sale is made. Nothing. ... Views: 1529
You're looking for the best way to penetrate the marketplace with your goods/services. Capturing the market share and make boat loads of money in the process. You hear all the hype about the latest approach to getting your message out to the masses. But there is one place that you can focus your ... Views: 1961
Having a marketing plan is a key to the success of your business. Failing to plan can lead to the rapid failure of your business. I'm going to share with you four secrets to highly effective marketing. But first we need to understand that...
Marketing is building a path to your business so ... Views: 1541