Stress has always been a part of human life, be it a housewife with making a home and being a facilitator for rest of the family members or an employee working in high pressure job. A student is stressed out with so many career choices in hand and so much of expectation from others, whereas an ... Views: 838
Today around us we have quite a mix of people, where many are really kind and nice with others, however there also is a category of rude morons. Yes we can just not escape this lot; we have always had them in our life to add to our troubles but our challenge lies in dealing with rude people ... Views: 3693
“Love yourself first, before you can think of loving anybody else” – we all have heard this line sometime in our life. When I came across this idea for the first time, I went blank. It made no sense to me. The immediate thought was, does anyone do that? and why? Now after understanding this ... Views: 773
1. Listen to yourself – You often do things out of obligations or fear or peer pressure. Things with which you don’t agree or things that are out of your value system. This directly lowers your self esteem. It is like being dishonest to your own self and that gives a pretty uncomfortable ... Views: 949