Work is important for both physical and mental expression. We work so that we can earn a living. The kind of work we do is what puts food on the diner table.
Without work, we do not expect to get a paycheck. The kind of work you do should be an expression of yourself.
Human beings were ... Views: 247
“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending” ~ Carl Bard. Take heart and give way to the new season. This is my first article for this New Year since my website was hacked. Time flies and waits for no one. Whether you like it or ... Views: 646
Surely there can never be personal growth without someone having a Memory. Perhaps one of the key physical ingredient to personal development is having a good memory. We use it in our daily lives but often we take it for granted. Imagine life without memory. You would not even remember your own ... Views: 1902
"Life isn't about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself" ~ George Bernard Shaw. Before we start please get a piece of paper and write down the answer to the following questions. What do you think about yourself, what do you think your colleagues and peers think about you? The answers ... Views: 2426
Most of us, especially those who are not as intelligent as Einstein, would want to have a boost of our brain power. If you are one of those people who want to think better like me, your brain power boost might be just a few steps away.
These seven steps might help you in your quest to keep ... Views: 1697