I've been thinking a lot about next steps - my next steps, the next steps you in my community are making, and the next steps that I believe our world is on the brink of.
These are not just baby steps I'm talking about. I believe we're all on the verge of something big - a true ... Views: 948
If you have tried and failed to achieve the fulfillment and abundance you desire, chances are limiting beliefs are blocking your success. This is because our subconscious beliefs actually set the limits of what each of us can achieve.
Most of us hold hidden beliefs that are opposite to the ... Views: 1265
You may be newly unemployed, laid off or retired. You may need to return to work for financial reasons.
That may feel like a disaster and a dilemma, but it's also an opportunity to re-create your life in a way that is fulfilling and can be financially rewarding too.
Maybe you're ready for ... Views: 1514
We have within us two very different sources of direction, guidance, or operating instructions, that tell us very different things – opposite things.
Our “lower self” or ego-mind tells us to stay safe, that we’re in danger, that it’s not good to take risks; it tells us why we can’t really ... Views: 1290
Do you ever have a longing to do something wonderful but you can’t get started? Or you start but get stuck? Why do you some days feel expansive and full of trust and confidence, but the next day you don’t want to crawl out of bed?
These inconsistencies happen to all of us. But why?
The ... Views: 1166
Is it possible to expand when the world is contracting? To bloom in a time of drought? I propose that it is! With the world in crisis and the economy in turmoil, you can flower and even flourish. I suggest that the very upheaval the world is going through can even help you flourish!
Four ... Views: 1294
I speak to many women who sigh with recognition when I mention that my work is to help women bloom at midlife.
“Oh, I could use that!” they’ll say wistfully.
Usually they tell me a bit about their story. And it usually follows a familiar pattern, one of several scenarios that I realize ... Views: 2264
I’m a late bloomer and a midlife bloomer, someone who only started fully blooming in the second half of life. That is why I am so passionate about helping other women bloom later in life. Because really, there is no age limit to what I mean by blooming.
My concept of late blooming has changed ... Views: 2599
Congratulations - You know you want to create positive change in your life and you’ve come up with a compelling, inspiring vision, powerful enough to motivate you to take action past your comfort zone. Not only that, you’ve also explored your limiting beliefs and dissolved the ones that were ... Views: 1098
In order to create positive change in your life, you must first identify your vision. Make sure it is something that excites and inspires you, that really lights you up. It should be something you can get behind 100% because only then will it be sufficiently motivating to sustain you as you ... Views: 1126
What is this human earth-trip about, anyway? I found myself saying to a client today: We are souls on earth, here to unfold our potential from within. And we have no idea what that potential is.
What are we to do?
First we need to turn the spotlight of our attention inward, where that ... Views: 1205
The first step in creating any positive change in your life is to find out what you want – that may seem obvious. And you may know exactly what you want right now. There may be a dream you've held for years but never acted on, or a project that's bursting to express itself through you. But many ... Views: 1150
Drilling Down to your Core
To get to a deeper level of what you want, to find your true core desires, it’s good to ask yourself probing questions that challenge your assumptions. Here’s an example of how it works: Say you get an idea or image that suggests that you want to leave the city and go ... Views: 1076
I’m sure you aware of some things you want to change in your life, that your heart longs for. It is likely that these longings have been with you for quite a while, but you have not been able to achieve them – yet.
Now is the time to find out what has been stopping you, so that you can ... Views: 1543
If you’ve used some of the tools I’ve been teaching, you have probably identified fears and beliefs about yourself, the world, life, and “the way things are” that are consciously or unconsciously keeping you from realizing your dreams. It’s only when you identify these limiting beliefs that you ... Views: 1054
Being Trumps Doing
Usually when we think about what we want, we focus on an activity or experience we desire. Another way to discover your true desire is to ask yourself not what you want to be doing, but who you want to be. What are the roles in your life that you no longer want, that you’ve ... Views: 1235
Creating Change - Are You Ready to Create Positive Change in Your Life?
Tomar Levine
Is there anyone among us not looking for change of some kind? Better health, better income, and better relationships top most people’s wish lists – and that’s just for starters. I believe many of us also ... Views: 1365
On Being a Late Bloomer
I’m a late bloomer. It sometimes seems I’ve lived my life backwards. I like to say I took an early retirement (minimal employment and lots of leisure), and now that I’m of retirement age, I’m fired up and cracking to start working. I mean really working, working at my ... Views: 1355