Is it possible to expand when the world is contracting? To bloom in a time of drought? I propose that it is! With the world in crisis and the economy in turmoil, you can flower and even flourish. I suggest that the very upheaval the world is going through can even help you flourish!

Four Principles:
1. We’re in a time of global change – the Economy is just one aspect of this. We can all participate in and contribute to this transformation and shift in consciousness. And we can also benefit from it.

2. Anything that wakes us up is good – as a culture, and individually. The human ego inherently is asleep and wants to stay asleep.

3. The larger dissolution and loosening of structures in society creates a climate of fluidity that supports our personal transformation. (Think of the metaphor of the chrysalis – the caterpillar dissolves before transforming. We are the “imaginal cells” giving birth to the butterfly.)

4. The only way to ride the currents and cope with the accelerated rate of change is to rely on intuition and spiritual connection, not the rational mind, which has no choice but to react with fear.

What Shakes Things Up Can Also Free Us
Change is accelerating, and frequencies speeding up. It’s normal that all this change will make us feel extremely insecure. But what shakes things up can also free us. When old models break down, we become freer to think anew, see anew, and act anew. Crisis promotes creativity and innovation.

No one can control or predict the future. However, we can influence the current of events by what we believe and by what choices flow from those beliefs. We can choose what lens we want to look through to view the world, and how we want to see things – and that changes everything. Especially if we choose to see the larger picture, and to look through the lens of spirit.

The Shift
Many people believe we are right now in the midst of a powerful transformation, a major shift in consciousness to a collective opening into greater oneness and co-operation.

You Are Invited
You are now being invited to look beyond old limits, old assumptions, old restraints. You are part of the new world that is being created, and whatever you do with your life and your consciousness can make a contribution to that new world

How We Feel Is Within Our Control
It’s important to understand that how we feel emotionally depends largely on what images and thoughts we allow to dominate our attention. What we focus on and believe determines, to a great degree, our experience of life.

Releasing Old Beliefs
One thing you can do that will position you to ride these currents of change more easily and feel more positive and hopeful, is to release any old beliefs that may be keeping you in fear and limitation.
Did you know that our beliefs affect our emotions, our energy, our bodies, and what we are able to achieve in our lives?
And did you know that it’s actually relatively easy to change a belief?

Author's Bio: 

If you want to learn more about several highly effective belief-change techniques, listen to my Free three-part Audio Series: Blooming At Midlife with special guest hosts.