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Employers and employees both have a tendency to enjoy their longest break of the year during the last summer months. Their holiday destinations may be hundreds of miles apart, but their minds are focussed on the same area: work. Employees go on holiday to get away from the stresses of work, ... Views: 1744
Hope you are well and are enjoying the warm sunny springtime. I'll certainly treasure every minute of the season after spending three weeks in snowy Canada at the shocking (for me anyway) temperature of -15C. It's time to spring-clean the house. Do you realise business needs a good spring-clean ... Views: 1102
New year new targets - Or not?
Now we all are back to work. Many would think: right, to improve staff performance, let's give them more targets. Think carefully: tougher targets (without sufficient resources and support) will easily lead to poor performance; poor performance compromises ... Views: 1379
It is the time of the year to put the clock back in the UK. This reminds me there are things in life that we cannot simply put the clock back. In the business context, these include the decisions we made.
Leaders and executives in the private and public sectors have to make tough decisions in ... Views: 1661
Yin and Yang are the key concepts originated in Taoism in the 3rd or 4th century BC in China. Yin is usually associated with feminine energy, representing the reflective and introvert facets of activities or personality; whereas Yang, related to masculine energy, is referred to strength and ... Views: 1334
* Survey showed employees regarded managers as “the least trusted group’.
* Staff morale in the west has hit rock bottom but China’s GDP grew strong.
* What can we learn from eastern insights in to personal impact and relationships?
Research showed that employees regarded senior manager as ... Views: 869