Yin and Yang are the key concepts originated in Taoism in the 3rd or 4th century BC in China. Yin is usually associated with feminine energy, representing the reflective and introvert facets of activities or personality; whereas Yang, related to masculine energy, is referred to strength and actions. Taoists stresses that Yin and Yang, although opposite, are complementary forces like night and day, winter and summer, and female and male.
At workplaces, Yang is business activities and Yin, the emotions behind them. Four scenarios can happen:
1. Yang, little Yin - the boss and employees fill up their diaries with meetings, phone calls, emails, administration and all kinds. They don't leave their desks at lunchtime, they don't leave the office before six o'clock in the evenings. Blackberries, Iphone and laptops are always on, even when they are on holidays! They are busy, exhausted and become wary. The question hanging over their mind is: what is this for?
2. Negative Yin - there are several reasons for: 'what is this for?' Pay the bills, go on holidays, hang on to the job, and obviously keep the business going. If these are the main emotions driving the boss and employees busy, then they are motivated by negative energy: fear. Fear of losing the job and business. Fear of debts. Fear of losing. What outcome will fear produce in the business and workplace?
3. Yin, little Yang - let us turn the situation around. After the team away day and team building exercises, the boss and employees are on an emotional high. They re-framed the state of mind. They changed the language used. They are in a positive thinking mode. A week or so later, when the excitement subsides, they ask: now what? Without actions, emotions would soon shrink like a deflated balloon.
4. Yin and Yang - business activities at workplaces are propelled by a mission. Not a lengthy mission statement nobody remembers. Less than 10 words and everyone understands that they are there to make a difference: whether it is to the marketplace, people, society or the environment. Hard work. Frenzies, even. But they remember what the business and their actions stand for.
How is Yin and Yang at your workplaces?
All rights reserved © 2010. Joanna Tong at Bright-i
Keynote speaker and leadership specialist of Chinese origin with 20 year UK experience, Joanna Tong, the author introduces Dragon Leadership to business leaders and managers. Different from Western models that focus on systems and procedures, Dragon Leadership is a values-based approach developed from the Chinese principles that have stood the test of time for 3000 years.
Joanna applied the Chinese wisdom to make turnarounds on £10 million - £35 million projects. She was the first UK speaker of Chinese origin at diversity leadership conferences in the USA, first project manager of ethnic origin directing £35 million economic projects, and winner of the North West Women Achievements Award.
For further details, visit: http://www.bright-i.biz
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