It’s Christmas Time – or ‘the holidays’ – or the Festive Season. Whatever you choose to call it, it’s a time of the year that has significance in our calendar.

Robert Holden said that it’s a time when your life seems to come under a magnifying glass. You tend to ask questions of yourself and perhaps even have questions asked of you.

Besides the practical questions such as “What are you doing for Christmas?” or “What do you want for Christmas?” there are the ‘bigger’ questions like, “What kind of year did you have?” and “Have you started thinking about what you want from next year yet?”
I’ve even been asked a few times “What does Christmas mean for you?”

For many, many years I was an anti-Christmas person. I found it far too superficial and commercial for the large part and seeing most people running themselves ragged in order to do what they think is necessary to have a ‘good Christmas’ didn’t particularly inspire me.
And then, to make matters worse, immediately after the pre-Christmas rush, the shops fill again for Boxing Day sales!

This week I returned from Bali where I did practically NOTHING on holiday. I read lots of books, watched meaningless TV and lounged around in my bathing costume (between massages of course!).

On one particular day I spent 5.5 hours in a spa – yes a long time! But a deliciously , decadent, luxuriant time.

What really struck me about this experience however is that I was quiet for that length of time. (moreover that I was able to be quiet for that length of time).
Due to the language barrier with the therapists I was silent for the majority of the time.

Although I often spend time being quiet and doing things alone, this experience was different in that if I wanted to say something, I couldn’t. And (funny enough!) 5.5 hours is actually a long time.

The spa package included the likes of a steam bath, herbal bath and body masks etc which means conversation or not, I was alone for periods of time. This meant intimate time with the thoughts in my head.

I used this period as a complete de-cluttering (emptying) of my mind and then was able to choose my thoughts. (An amazingly ‘clear’ experience!)

So during this reflective period I decided to expand this de-cluttering into the rest of my life – and on my return I’ve physically cleared out anything that no longer serves me. (My office, house, subscriptions, draining relationships, ideas I’ve been holding too tightly onto etc). I’ve rearranged furniture and also revamped my coaching programs putting new energy into them.

Being actively involved in my de-cluttering process is an indication that I’m willing and open to make way for the new. (Whatever form that may take)
It’s an exciting and liberating feeling to get myself out of my own way in my life.
Cheryl Richardson speaks about the concept of Feeding Your Soul.
This means doing something that makes you feel good about yourself and which nourishes the essence of who you are. Being quiet, emptying my mind completely and de-cluttering allowed me to be intimate with my soul.
Other ways to feed my soul include journaling, having a decent massage, running, lighting candles and engaging in meaningful conversations.

This type of intimacy deepens your relationship with yourself and does indeed “Feed Your Soul”.

As Robert Holden also says “Intimacy with yourself is the first step towards true intimacy with others.”
And perhaps herein is a clue of what this holiday season could be about?

And maybe I’ve been challenged with the Christmas season because it seemed to become about gift-giving as expressions of love.
Instead I’ve longed to see the authenticity of relationships and the intimacy within these.
Feeding your soul leads to a fuller, more self-expressed life and others will naturally start to feed off this. And by you, just being you, you become an ongoing gift to others around you.
Remove the guilt and obligation in all the busyness associated with the festivities and remember that Peace, Love and Happiness are true and authentic gifts we can give.
Of ourselves.

So.. What am I doing for Christmas?.... Feeding my soul.
What do I want for Christmas? … To feed my soul.
What does Christmas mean to me? … Having my soul fed.

That way I can focus on the soul-fullness within this special time of year and be grateful for the special people and loved ones I treasure.
I’m therefore going to put more effort into expressing this verbally to all relevant parties, and less effort into finding that perfect gift that could never ever express it as well.

"It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air."
W.T. Ellis

Author's Bio: 

Heidi Cornelissen, “Life Coach on Steroids”, has a background in Accounting and Financial management. Her qualifications include an MBA, where she specialised in Organisational Behaviour as well as a BCom Degree in Accountancy.
She later qualified as a Life Coach.
She has worked in a variety of industries from telecommunication to electronics manufacturing to recruitment advertising.
She specialises in YOU – the individual. She helps the individual engage with who they really are and what they really want.
She is a professional member of the International Coaching Federation, the president of the James Crofts Hope Foundation and until the end of August the President of Business Swap WA Inc.
She is the author of a few E-books, including “Becoming Worthy of Self-Love” and “Creating Life Change”.
Her business, Completely Human specialises in providing opportunities for individuals to actively participate in various areas of their lives (relationships, social skills, exercise, emotional- and spiritual development).

Her personal journey towards a better definition of happiness, love and success led her to the world of coaching. She is now passionate about creating a safe space for individuals to undergo meaningful self-discovery of their own. This kind of work allows them to live a more abundant life from the inside-out.