Because a C-Section is abdominal surgery, there is the risk of infection, so knowing how to identify c-section infections will help you prevent delays in your recovery and also avoid additional hospital stays.
Here is a run down of the c-section infections that can occur and how you might ... Views: 10321
Every pregnant woman wants a memorable birth experience.
Here are 6 prenatal tips that will put you on your way to a good delivery experience so that you can rebound quickly and enjoy the miracle that is about to happen in your life.
#Tip #1 Pregnancy And Pre-Natal Advice
Once you ... Views: 1121
Not expecting to deliver by c-section? Ah, but you could!
One of the most amazing statistics today is the one surrounding the birth of your baby.
What I'm referring to is having a c-section birth.
Did you know that the c-section rate in the U.S. for 2005 was 30.2%, up from 29.1% in 2004 and ... Views: 1722
Your feet have 206 bones and over 100 muscles, ligaments and tendons so it's important to take care of them by wearing the proper athletic shoes.
Choosing the right pair of sport shoes is important to thecomfort of your feet. Unfortunately we often choose our shoes according to our fashion ... Views: 1465
The internet has literally redefined the lifestyles of every man woman and child on the planet. With a mouse and a modem you can find love, pay bills, do your homework, and shop ‘til you drop. The world is at your fingertips.
With all of the opportunity the internet has to offer it’s no ... Views: 1149
One of the best marketing tools available to your internet business is good sales ad copy. This can pull in sales faster than just about anything.
If you’re not a writer or cringe at the thought of writing your own sales copy, you can always hire a professional, however if you’re on a budget ... Views: 1130