If I had to choose the most consistent theme that has been discussed in the over 30 years I have been doing readings and counseling, it would be that something "is missing from our lives." That something takes different forms. Most of the time it is about "relationships." The conversation goes ... Views: 844
I have been pondering on the questions and concerns that many clients ask me during sessions. Spirit guided me toward sharing information about Foundations. At one point I created a diagram that depicting the different levels in relationships. By using the analogy of the foundation of a building ... Views: 932
Having Free Will gives us the appearance or concept of being able to do what we think is right for us in each moment. The operative word and challenge is the word "think," along with the opposite of thinking being feeling. Neither one is going to allow us to listen to that "still small voice ... Views: 1000
If I had to choose the most consistent theme that has been discussed in the over 30 years I have been doing readings and counseling, it would that something "is missing from our lives." That something takes different forms. Most of the time it "relationships." The conversation goes something ... Views: 800