I have been pondering on the questions and concerns that many clients ask me during sessions. Spirit guided me toward sharing information about Foundations. At one point I created a diagram that depicting the different levels in relationships. By using the analogy of the foundation of a building or a house as a comparison to the spiritual aspect of relationships, we know that without a foundation the house has nothing to stand on. Without a Spiritual foundation a relationship has nothing to stand on.
Without a Spiritual Foundation our lives have nothing to stand on.
There is nothing to hold us together when we don't build from the inside out. We just float around like a boat that is lost in the ocean. Everything that is built on the physical plane has some kind of a base to build from. A car has to have an engine to run. The frame could be great to look at, but without the motor there is no way that the car is going to move. That works the same way on every aspect of the material plane.
What makes us think that we can live our lives and not make Spirituality our first priority? Nothing works from the outside in. Everything is based on building from the inside out. Often when speaking with a client I ask what their Spiritual base is, when it is apparent they are struggling with life issues that need deeper attention. In order to support them I ask that question to be able to direct them to the right resources that best resonate with what they are focused on. Many clients are practicing Christians, many are Christian by birth, but are not currently studying anything in their faith. Other client's are interested in Spiritual and Metaphysical tools, but have no idea which would best fit their needs.
One thing that I must mention is that tools are just that, they do not give us a base to stand on. Foundations are created with tools, but the tools are not the Source of the Power. The power of an engine or the foundation of a house is built on a tried and true method that have specifications and guidelines. When people tell me that Tarot cards, Astrology, Numerology, Psychic Readings, are what they building their foundation on, I have to correct them. Those are tools that can amplify and fine tune a structure that is strong and solid. They are not the foundation......In my experience, the only foundation I can live by is one that is based on God's word, the principles of God's truth and any writing or teaching that is based on those principles.
Tools are our helpers. Music and Nature are magnificent support systems for our healing and alignment with Source. All other tools can be a roadmap to help us to design a firmer foundation. An analogy could be that we have bodies. They are the foundation for our physical selves. They are what we move around with on the Earth Plane. We have many tools to take advantage of regarding our bodies’ health and adornment, but our bodies are the foundation. We have freedom of choice as to how we want to make that body look, but the base of the body, shape and structure are designed by a Power greater than our own.
That is the same with our Foundation. We must keep our focus on the designer of that Power that is within us. Our lives and direction are dependent on that force. The Law of Attraction can only work when we know who we truly are; what we are made of, and where we come from. When a client wants to fully heal I show them how to take the small child within us to God. That child needs a rock solid foundation. If we didn't get that from our parent’s we will need to reframe our thinking and programming until there is no doubt left in our hearts that God and I are One. That is our foundation......forever and ever.....and ever. Namaste, iriana
For the past 30 years I have been experiencing and sharing with other Seekers along the Path to Healing and Higher Consciousness and the releasing of our EGO centered natures.
My work changes and expands as I gain clarity and understanding on my inner journey. As I connect more deeply with Spirit, I am often able to move out of the way to allow expanded Channeled Information to speak through me. These messages are uplifting, truthful and energetically transformational.
I have studied the Mystery Schools of the East and the West, Tarot, Numerology, Universal Numbers, Gestalt Therapy, Jungian Dream Interpretation, Channeling, The Course in Miracles and The Infinite Way as shared by Joel S. Goldsmith. Having the good fortune to have lived in AZ for 20 years, I was exposed to a variety of classes in Energy Healing and have advanced experience with Reiki, Touch for Health, Sound & Color healing along with a number of other studies.
Since I can remember I have been highly intuitive, and have been given the gift of seeing the "bigger picture" quickly and spontaneously. I use the tools I have accrued over the years to enhance each individual's Spiritual understanding and perception. The sound and vibration of my voice has a restorative and healing effect on the body and soul. It is my great pleasure to be of service. I look forward to speaking with you.
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