It’s hard to avoid the ‘reality’ of the need for cash flow, right? I mean you need to have a home and food and pay your utility bills. Then there’s the car and the cable and the kids activities.
It’s not really surprising that a lot of your activities, and a lot of your energy, are locked up ... Views: 559
Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into. ~Wayne Dyer
Wouldn’t it be nice, if somewhere inside you there were an abundance switch that you could turn on, like a light switch, just when you need it?
Yeah, right! Abundance is not an end result; it is a state of ... Views: 816
Ever wonder about the practically accessible elements that factor into your available energy? Some of these seem so obvious, and yet, minute changes can create huge shifts in the amount of energy available to you:
Breathing is one of the most profound and direct ways you have of changing or ... Views: 687
If you’re a visionary or a change agent, these are exciting times! The internet has leveled the playing field for those who want to make a difference in the world. A passionate tribe leader can create the same visibility, that only a short while ago, was possible only for corporate giants with ... Views: 684
Whether it’s 12 Step Program, Weight Watchers, or Jenny Craig, the power to achieve in a group what is difficult to accomplish individually, is impossible to deny. This is the principle of a Mastermind Group and successful Conscious Entrepreneurs know that they are essential to turbo charge ... Views: 744
Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors. Keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values ... Views: 712
Are you running low on juice? Could you use a higher grade of octane?
If you need more energy than you have available it could be an indicator that you’re due for some revitalization. If you’re feeling worn down you may have a demand on your energy that is calling for an upgrade.
Whatever ... Views: 605
Collective movements are powerful and chock full of potential. Whether you’re thinking of the Civil Rights movement of the sixties, Sep 11 or the US Presidential elections, you know that everything and everyone is effected when you are swept up into a stream of spiraling potential.
The energy ... Views: 597
Does your community consist of family and social obligations that have long ago lost their meaning or is it orchestrated around the things that excite you and tap into your passion?
When was the last time you questioned the assumptions you have made around your connections and your community? ... Views: 630
Are you investing your time and energy in social media and not reaping the rewards you hear everyone talking about: clients, connections and income? Well the reason might be that your connection skills are primed for an upgrade.
One of the most common mistakes that I see is frantically trying ... Views: 479
Are you playing it safe or are you following the cadence of your own authentic voice? In a world that is full of noise, boatloads of information and so much to do, it can seem like an almost insurmountable adventure to explore the unique path of your own contribution.
However, if you’re a ... Views: 697
I attended a Platinum Mastermind retreat. Nothing like a high level environment to experience breakthroughs and propel a-ha’s into awareness.
As the session was wrapping up, and we were all relaxing into our laughter, a question surfaced within me that pulled me to a stop. I grabbed my pen ... Views: 502
Are you struggling in your business because you don’t have access to a large enough pool of your perfect clients?
Whether you’re a coach, author or service professional, there’s nothing that will flip that abundance switch like moving from ‘going after clients’ to having clients clamoring for ... Views: 488
Remember the last time you were angry. How would your life be different if you could access that energy to inform your actions? Many of us were trained to believe that anger is a negative emotion. It was something to be denied, suppressed, or ignored. We were taught to hide it from others and ... Views: 1256
My journey with fitness and my body started when I was about nine years old and came across an issue of Cosmopolitan magazine. I remember thinking how utterly perfect the models were and how I longed to look just so! Well, for a Cuban girl with hips and thighs, that is a hell of a goal. I ... Views: 726
Fibroids are benign tumors of the uterus and they are present in 20-50% of all women. No one knows what causes fibroids. Carolyn Myss says they represent our unbirthed creativity – dreams and images of ourselves that have never seen the light of day. Fibroids are often associated with conflicts ... Views: 10837
I recently received a chain letter. You know the one -- send out to 7 friends right now and in 4 days your wishes will come true. The consequence of not forwarding is usually some terrible unforeseen event. They’re usually sent by some well-meaning hopeful person on your email list. Sometimes I ... Views: 1227
Why am I here? It’s an age old question and if we explore the possibility that our questions lead us to the core of our raison d’être, why does the obviousness of the inevitable answer elude us.
Is it incredulous to believe that we are here to have joy and to create deliciously? I know that my ... Views: 720
Once upon a time things felt solid, sure, certain. . . Oh wait a minute, that's a story I'm working on. Ah . . . the story! We do get caught up in it.
The truth is that my life has always been cycles of change, chaos and high powered energy. There's always been a clarion call to something ... Views: 784
One of my favorite authors is Carolyn Myss and in her book “Anatomy of Healing” she reframes something I’ve heard for years, “We evolve at the rate of the tribe that we’re plugged into.”
Now when I was little girl my mother put it like this, “Dime con quien andas, y te dire quien eres.” In ... Views: 1207
Remember the last time you were angry. How would your life be different if you could access that energy to inform your actions? Many of us were trained to believe that anger is a negative emotion. It was something to be denied, suppressed, or ignored. We were taught to hide it from others and ... Views: 885
Wherever you go, there you are. There’s no escaping it - your world is a reflection of you and if the view in your mirror doesn’t elicit a certain spark perhaps it’s time to question the underlying assumptions.
As someone who has worked intensely with the body – as a ... Views: 640