I bumped into an old co-worker friend of mine the other day, who, by the way, still works at that J-O-B where I thought I would be forever. We talked for a while and our after we parted, it really got me to thinking. Thinking about how
much my life has changed for the better and thought I ... Views: 1599
Do you know the worst network marketing system ever?
Well let me tell you now. It is when you start up with a home business, fully position yourself, so your sponsor gets their cut, then your sponsor pumps you up with all the income potential and life changing testimonials . . .
You are told ... Views: 1090
Balance is often a word tossed around without thought of what is actually means in relation to our lives. If we were to stop and look deeply within ourselves, we may discover that we are actually very much out of balance. In today's world, people tend to say one thing when thinking or feeling ... Views: 1543
Are you truly grateful for what you see before you each day?
To be grateful is to be proud of the decisions we have made in our lives and to be confident that our decisions are directly linked to the life we are creating for ourselves. Too often we expend or energies complaining about our ... Views: 1495
Let's rewind back to the time in your life when your biggest personal challenge was learning to ride a bike. When you decided to take the training wheels off your bike did you look to another kid who still rode with training wheels? No, of course not! You aspired to be like the neighborhood kids ... Views: 1211
Are you a RISK-TAKER or do you PLAY IT SAFE? One of the qualities of successful people is the ability to know when to take a risk. Most people are afraid to take risks in their lives and choose to settle for dissatisfaction in their lives. So many opportunities are lost on the fear of taking ... Views: 1153
If at first you don't succeed, try try again"
How truly accurate this motto is, especially when we step out of our comfort zone. Starting a new business comes with both excitement and reservation. How many times have you asked yourself the question, "Did I make the right decision?" Follow your ... Views: 1771
How many times have you wished you did not have to get up and go to work in the morning? Why do we continue to engage in work activities we REALLY don't want to do, yet feel pressured by society to do? We, as humans, are conditioned to "follow the norm," "do as we're told," and work pay-check to ... Views: 1038