How many times have you wished you did not have to get up and go to work in the morning? Why do we continue to engage in work activities we REALLY don't want to do, yet feel pressured by society to do? We, as humans, are conditioned to "follow the norm," "do as we're told," and work pay-check to pay-check, all the while making someone else rich. We tend to stay "stuck" in a JOB that we do not enjoy, where we are not appreciated, complaining of our situation and AFRAID to make a change.
We forget that it is our choice to stay "stuck," therefore the only one responsible for our unhappy situation is yourself! Society does not support change, risk-taking or actively following our dreams. Again, we are conditioned to believe that our dreams are just that...DREAMS. There is another way. Believe in yourself, maintain focus on your goals, be persistent and move forward. Listen to your usually holds the best answer. Life is too short to remain stuck in a place where we do not feel satisfied.
What would you do if you were guaranteed to achieve your DREAMS? Only one have to make the choice to go after it!
What would it be like to wake up in the morning and make the choice of when to work? Having the choice to work in your p.j.'s or your pool, by the ocean or even on a ski slope. The doors of opportunity open when we ALLOW ourselves to take the risk for change towards our desired goals and dreams.

Author's Bio: 

Kristen is an entrepreneurial mom working a successful business from her home. Prior to this venture, she worked for 15 years in a private, non-profit as a Marriage & Family Therapist and Licensed Drug & Alcohol Counselor.