Here’s the scenario. Through the course of a day you just can’t get into it. You labour through the day. You get a bit of stuff done but the feeling you have as you come towards the end of it is that life sucks a little bit. You are not all doom and gloom but you do feel pretty average, pretty ... Views: 916
I was recently on a Facebook page for Personal Fitness Trainers and the question came up “What are your REAL THOUGHTS about MILK?” and it turned into a slugging match, which eventually lead into name calling and character assassination. It is a very emotional subject as nutritional preferences ... Views: 1104
Simplifying Your Life to Increase Your Happiness. I have been doing a lot of reading of late on neuroscience and brain functioning, which are fascinating subjects as I am sure you are thinking as you read this ;-) . One of the things I have been particularly interested in is what over-stimulates ... Views: 1657
Talk about a loaded topic. But what the heck it is a topic that is one of the top three issues I deal with, when working with any new client. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. A pretty big 5-letter word that is interwoven into our identity, self-worth, belief systems, and our short and long-term happiness. ... Views: 868
5 Simple Steps to stopping Negative Emotions before they get out of control. Obviously the question is not a question, but an obvious – “Of course I would and now tell me HOW!!”
To the right is a simple 5 Step Strategy for how to take an emotion that is starting to rear its ugly head, and put ... Views: 1017
Before I started writing this short article, I paused to consider just how much of my personal and even business relationship building I was doing old school, face-to-face, person-to-person. I was pretty shocked when I realised just how much of my communication is via email, instant messaging, ... Views: 833
Yes. You are right. This IS an oratory challenge with some mind gym thrown in as well. So for your final (gym) repetition, I challenge you to reread the heading, but this time inserting ‘me and I’. It now reads…“Am I ‘me’, or the ‘me’ I have chosen to be?” Still feel like your head is in the ... Views: 955
I asked myself a question the other day. Which is the harder relationship to manage; intimate relationships or business relationships? Are all relationships essentially the same thing or ‘same same but different’? The end result was an exploration into the often unconsidered realm of business ... Views: 1086
Now let me just say up front that I am bound to annoy your friends, parents, brothers, sisters, aunties and uncles with this short article; but what the heck. I have been bugging my own friends, parents, brother, sister, aunties and uncles for about 40 years now; so at least you could never say ... Views: 992