Waking Dreams
Most of the time we think of dreams as something we experience at night or a flight of fancy we experience during the day as a wishful thought for our lives. Consider the possibility that this is really backwards. What if your life is really the dream? What if you are dreaming ... Views: 1215
Endings and beginnings are not always what they appear to be. Endings are simply disguised beginnings, it is the circle unending. Sometimes we see what we perceive as an ending in the distance like a train with its shrill whistle racing toward us down the track. We try not to look at it, ... Views: 1240
Some call it the “Morphogenetic Field”, some call it the greater “Mind Field” or simply the “Field”, I call it the “Field Of Blessings”. Regardless of what it is called, it is a palpable energy Field. Most of us know someone for whom life seems to work, at least most of the time. Those fortunate ... Views: 845
The Eight Chakra known as the Soul Star is located six inches to two feet above the top of the head. Viewed from the third eye it looks a ball of light with an orange glow that hovers above the seventh (crown) chakra. The size, brightness and closeness to the body of this chakra varies depending ... Views: 4219
There is power and possibility in everything that comes to us, in every experience and situation if we allow ourselves to connect with the inner awareness that is aligned with higher consciousness. We don’t need to strain to find the deeper wisdom within our experience. By acknowledging our own ... Views: 926
Psychic Vampire is a colorful phrase that really offers a clear visual of this experience. If you have not experienced an interaction of this kind, count yourself as fortunate. Most of us have however interacted with one, at one time or another. Even more alarming is the idea that we may ... Views: 1091
The attachment we generally think of as love is an emotion. It arises as a feeling sense, something that comes easily, called up by an anonymous flow of good feelings in reaction to an outside stimulus that has triggered it.
Love is not this knee-jerk reaction to a stimulus. Love is a choice, ... Views: 1035
I remember as a young child feeling such a strong sense of love for those around me. It's natural to feel that way about one's parents but I felt it for everyone, still feel a slight tinge of what it felt like at times. It was so strong, so yielding, trusting. Little by little aspects of it ... Views: 886
We're all intuitive, some of us have more trust in this innate ability than others, yet we can all learn to trust ourselves enough to implement this ability in our daily lives. It isn't some woo woo quality requiring long amounts of meditation or ritual to call up into our experience. Like most ... Views: 2270