In my city of East Lansing, Michigan, I always get great service at Lou and Harry's Grill. Lou and Harry's has three locations and mostly employs college students. You would think that with an extremely transient workforce that service and quality would be inconsistent. I have probably dined ... Views: 1117
Peace is something we choose. At any given moment we may choose peace or conflict; peace or struggle. The moment you find yourself angry, upset, or stressing, you can choose peace. There is a beautiful verse from A Course in Miracles that reads: "I could choose peace instead of this." The ... Views: 1667
Recently I attended my high school class reunion. Back in high school there were groups,
just as there are in most high schools today. I was on the fringes of the group that
included most of the popular kids. I was shy and didn't really feel a part of that group.
When I think about it, it wasn't ... Views: 1055
Think for a moment. How do you see yourself? What opinions do you have about yourself? If you are like most people, you have some critical opinions. These opinions have grown and been maintained over time.
Any negative opinions you have about yourself are opinions based on thoughts of ... Views: 1673
You are a light to the world. You are a living example of what all of us can achieve. Your personal transformation helps to transform all of us. People who are helping to transform the planet are called light workers. They are bringing light, a higher energy, into life on earth at this time. ... Views: 980
Most intelligent people are willing to say: “I am responsible. I am accountable.” To say and mean this is the first step. The second step is to add the word “completely”.
“I am completely responsible”. This is difficult for most. When something goes wrong we tend to say: ”I am responsible ... Views: 961
You have a purpose. You have specific gifts, talents, and abilities that are uniquely yours. At the intersection of “what you love to do” and “what you are good at” you will find your purpose. Do you know your purpose? Do you know why you are here on this planet? If not, then it’s time to ask ... Views: 966
It seems that the mind never stops thinking. Dr. Deepak Chopra wrote that we think upwards of 50 thousand thoughts per day, and 90 % of them are the same thoughts we had yesterday. Yet, what passes for thinking in our minds isn't really thinking at all. We spend most of our time replaying ... Views: 839
You already know you are responsible for your own behavior, thoughts, feelings, and your life. You know that it is not what others do, but your interpretation of what they do that creates your reaction. You know these things, and sometimes you forget these things. When you find yourself blaming, ... Views: 1134