Being that it is the beginning of a new year, you have probably set out to accomplish some big, important goals this year. Most people look to kick bad habits, get in shape, make more money, read the Bible, get out of debt, spend more time with family, and so on and so on. But, for the most ... Views: 1556
Once you have accomplished the first step towards goal attainment which is establishing good, solid and SMART goals, you will have to develop your plan to reach them. Without a plan, goals are little more than hopes and dreams. It is like having to go somewhere you've never gone before without ... Views: 2071
Many people feel that in the current economy, landing a job or securing a promotion is a very difficult, grueling and exhausting task. Some would even say it is nearly impossible. This may be the story for some but it certainly doesn't have to be your story. You just have to change the way you ... Views: 1076
The mastermind principle consists of an alliance of two or more minds working in perfect harmony for the attainment of a common definite objective. When a group of individual minds are coordinated and function in harmony, the increased energy created through that alliance becomes available to ... Views: 1643
Do you think like a millionaire or do you find yourself thinking more in line with the middle class? There is a mindset that wealthy people have that others are not aware of. Many people tend to think that people with money only live to make money and that making money is all they care about. ... Views: 1373
We are living in the best of times to become millionaires. Even if you grew up in poverty or had a very modest upbringing, the possibility is still there. It is yours for the taking as long as you can recognize and capitalize on each and every opportunity. However, being the trailblazer that ... Views: 960
Although it appears that the world’s economy is falling apart all around us, I have faith that you and I will make it through this storm intact. As a trailblazer, it is obvious that you are an over-comer with strong beliefs, faith in a higher power, and a significant amount of determination. ... Views: 1163