"There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside of you". – Maya Angelou
We have all heard at one time or another some impactful personal storylines of well known personalities around the globe. One theme that usually runs through these stories is basically the same. They all rose from ... Views: 988
Sadly, today many people are so busy trying to fit themselves into the image of other people that they no longer recognise what is special about them. This ranges from dismantling their natural physical appearance to changing their dressing mannerism right to embodying extreme character ... Views: 3598
Whatever your present personal sense of beauty may be, as a woman you can always improve on this. Because sense of true beauty is your natural birthright. For this lies deeply within your soul and enables you to be creative and exceptional.
Here are some powerful questions for you:
1. What ... Views: 2056
Have you ever had the feeling that something was not quite right, but you couldn't explain why? Or maybe you just felt the urgency to do something without being able to rationalise the sensing?
YES, you have? Well that is your intuition, or as it is often referred to, 'the inner voice'. ... Views: 1168
When potential clients call me to inquire about coaching for their various life changes, I find myself asking them to tell me where they are right then. This helps me get a good sensing of how connected they are with their inner self and emotions.
A few who are able to say precisely where ... Views: 1082
Even though we all know we will turn 50 one day, yet for various reasons, this knowledge remains scary and unsettling for many people.
If you're undecided about the course of your life at this point or you want to change something in your life but find yourself hesitating. Don't panic. ... Views: 1079