"There is someone at work I like but I am too shy to speak to this person. What should I do?".
The question above is asked over and over again by shy people.
The basic advice for people who find themselves in this situation is as follows.
The first thing to remember is that the person ... Views: 1244
The world's best golfer, Tiger Woods uses his imagination to help him consistently produce the highest level of play ever achieved in his sport.
Before each tournament, Tiger uses his imagination to visualise playing perfect golf and winning the event. Each day before he sets foot on the ... Views: 829
Anyone of any age, sex, nationality or status can suffer from shyness.
The general consensus is that shyness is no big deal. Nothing could be further from the truth.
At best, shy people have few, if any, friends and lead quiet unfulfilled lives.
In more serious cases shy people can ... Views: 1501