Anyone of any age, sex, nationality or status can suffer from shyness.

The general consensus is that shyness is no big deal. Nothing could be further from the truth.

At best, shy people have few, if any, friends and lead quiet unfulfilled lives.
In more serious cases shy people can become extremely lonely and isolated with poor job prospects. In very serious cases a shy person's physical and mental health can deteriorate to a level were the individual becomes unemployable.

Ultimately, shy people can become a danger to themselves and even to the public at large. Luckily, instances of shy people becoming homicidal psychopaths are extremely rare! However, the fact remains, shyness ruins many millions of lives.

The good news is that for most people shyness can easily be overcome.
There are a few simple steps that anyone can implement to overcome their shyness.
There is no need to know why these steps work.

All you have to do is perform these steps habitually. The steps are easy and free to do.

OK, if you've read this far you want to know what the steps are. Yes?
There are 7 basic steps but this article would go on for ages if I was to go through them all in detail. So, here are 2 of the main steps in brief.

The first step and the most important step of all is to smile.
Smile at everyone you meet whether they are a person you know or a complete stranger.

Smiling releases endorphins which make the person doing the smiling feel good.
The people being smiled at receive friendly vibes and can't help but respond in kind. Try smiling at everyone for one day and you will be amazed at the positive feedback you will get in return.

The second step is to use positive visualisations.
Every morning when you first wake up, visualise your day going well. Just imagine easily achieving all of your goals for that day. This habit of visualisation will set you up for success by engaging your subconscious to work for you, rather than against you.

Don't worry about why doing these steps works, just know that they do work.
Overcome shyness now and start living and enjoying your life.

To obtain a copy of the full 7 steps for overcoming shyness visit

Author's Bio: 

Jonathan Mansfield is the CEO of the website dedicated to providing simple and effective information to help anyone quickly conquer shyness, lack of confidence and low self esteem.