Numerology deals with the study of the power of numbers. The numbers have wonderful power in them. For this power, there are many people, who are involved in solving the numerology games for determining the features of the people exactly.
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Today, numerology has ... Views: 944
Numerology is the study of the numbers. It can study the relationship between the numbers and the effects of the numbers on us. Actually, it is a study which says that there is an immense power of the planets on us and everything happen in our lives just because of the effects of this power. ... Views: 2395
The concept of the numerology is not at all a new concept. Many years ago, the concept of the numerology emerged. It is a serious kind of study. Those people who do not believe in the astrology or tarot card reading for those it can be said that this study involves the systematic way of analyze ... Views: 725
Whether you are a novice or an experienced professional in the field of foretelling, then you can take assistance of different electronic gadgets that can make your job smoother and faster. Day after day as different modern electronic gadgets are becoming popular in different field of ... Views: 999
“Name” is one of the important things in our lives. It is our identity by which we can be able to recognize by every person. In every field for example in prose, poetry and all the religious books, we can recognize the character by their names. We cannot imagine a person without his or her name. ... Views: 1063
You may not be well known to the term numerology as there are many people, who are unknown to the term. Though it is an old ancient study of numbers for determining the features of the people of all respect, but was less popular earlier days. For the last two decades, the scenario has been ... Views: 1624
I always had an interest in the physic powers. I did study on it for the last few years and was learning the processes. The brilliant powers of physic were all that has kept me occupied for the last twenty one years into it. At times, I have felt the wonderful features of the power. I loved to ... Views: 787
Health, relationship with family members, financial condition are some important things those make a great impact in one’s life. People tend to make better in all these fields those are important in various aspects. You would learn by going through this article, how you can make betterment ... Views: 1134
Since the time human civilization has came into existence, there has been a great enthusiasm in all to know about one’s own future. Many scholars have been dealing with the astrology for years. However, there was another branch of science, which was much more interesting than that of astrology ... Views: 2667
Many people tend to think plan their future life, when they face hazards in their life. It is the time, when people become interested to reveal the fact of their fate. However, there are many people as well, who never feel that good as well as bad consequences of life is the effect of good or ... Views: 1077
Everyone in this world wants to be a lucky one. Nobody on this earth wants to face any kind of difficulties. They want to make their life a smooth one. But, it is not possible that we never face any problems in our life. Every person has to face some kind of difficulties in his life. The main ... Views: 1142
Numerology is the most fascinating branch of science that deals with the study of the numbers. The different numbers rule your life. Are you surprised? Well, but this is true. Some numbers represent the letters of your name. These numbers have certain characteristic features in them. The numbers ... Views: 1737
Love and care are such nice things of our lives which we all want to experience. For the quest of true love people want to confine themselves in a relationship of love. They want to find someone with whom they want to live their life with joy and happiness. We all want to be cared, valued and ... Views: 825
By the term teenage or adolescence we mean that the ages between 13 and 19. This is really a crucial year of everyone’s life. Teenagers are going through many difficult phases and they have to face many problems during this time and that’s why many people have termed this stage as a period of ... Views: 1021
By the term Pua, we mean Pick up artist. They are such kind of men who are skilled or try to be skilled at attracting or seeking the attention of the women. They are very famous among the group of girls by their various skills. We know that an artist is a person who is good at their job. Same ... Views: 904
Gifts play a vital role in dating. It is one of the important parts to make your dating successful. Though it is not all that matters most to make the date a perfect one but it obviously carries some weightage. We should choose a perfect gift before going for a dating. We know that we cannot buy ... Views: 776
Dating is a means of getting a perfect match for life but nowadays, it can be a way out for loneliness. There are various online dating sites available now and with the advancement of technology and the awareness about internet people prefer to go for dating through online. These dating sites ... Views: 1054
To cope with day to day challenges along with planning for a better future, most of the people tend to meet a foreteller, who believes in either numerology or astrology. Knowledge about one’s future, no doubt, enhances the scope to prepare a future plan in a better way. However, gathering ... Views: 1211
Since time immemorial people have tried in different ways to know about their future. As there was no logical theory behind finding out the future of a person transparently, therefore, people always tried to discover a theory, which would be reliable to foretell about one’s future life. At a ... Views: 1380
Various websites are there those offer free services. You even can get the services those are costly to get from the market. Yes, it may be surprising to many people, but, this is the fact of the present time. With the increasing popularity of online marketing, these free services have become ... Views: 1512
We have developed science and technology to make our life easy. Many great innovations have been taken place by dint of the experiment done by the scientists. Though, a great number of innovations in the field of science and technology have offered us varied types of scopes to make our lifestyle ... Views: 1997
Many costly items are there those are unaffordable to the common people. They tend to find out some options, which would lead them to get these costly item or services at either cheaper prices or at free of cost. To get foretelling services, common people tend to follow the same way. But, there ... Views: 1627
The global market is within the reach of a customer now with the invent of online marketing. You can buy a product from any agency from at any place by using internet. Keeping in view the popularity of online marketing, more and more business agencies are launching their websites on world wide ... Views: 1393
How one reacts to the environment is one’s personality. Everybody has a unique personality; still, it can be categorized in different ways, keeping in view the similarities of reactions of a group of people. In this course numerology has a different viewpoint. As per these popular foretelling ... Views: 2006
Do you know that your name rules you? Yes it is true. The letters in your name carry the basic characteristics that affect your life. It is not a new concept, but a very old concept that numbers rule our lives. There are different kinds of numbers in the dictionary of numerology and these ... Views: 1890
Numerology is an interesting subject that has been studied and researched by different people for over several ages. This is an interesting subject that has attracted scholars and highly educated people for several ages. Today it has touched almost all people from every section of the society ... Views: 1204
Today almost everyone is well known with the term Numerology. It has gained huge popularity these days. There are basically two types of Numerological concepts used these days. The one is the Pythagorean and the other is the Chaldean Numerology.
This concept developed centuries back by the ... Views: 1997
Numerology has gained immense popularity nowadays. You must have seen many predictions about many things. It cannot confine to predict about the future of a man but it has the capability to predict about some important event which will occur in near future. Numerologists give immense importance ... Views: 1605
We are all experience very speedy lifestyle. We all want to cope up with this fast life but sometimes we cannot manage to do all the tasks at the right time and experiences some difficulties. Sometimes, we also experience that we do not get any desired result after doing all the work absolutely ... Views: 2100
Numerology is a science which tells us the relationship between various planets with us. It is such a powerful subject that can tell the effects of the planets on us. Astrology and numerology are not new concepts and they have in our Indian culture from many years. One can learn numerology and ... Views: 2765
The Name Numerology is an interesting branch of Numerology. It helps to know about one’s features easily and accurately. There are some easy calculations involved in the Numerology and this helps in providing with the best results.
The Ancient science of predicting the features of a person, ... Views: 1353
The Free Numerology provided by the good sites is the most accurate. Anyone can visit these sites and can know about the different features of oneself and others.
Numerology is an interesting branch of science, often known as Pseudoscience. This branch of science is not new to the world, but ... Views: 1462
The Numerology Calculation involves same process for both the Pythagorean and Chaldean Numerology. There is not much difference in it. You can easily know about yourself or others through these calculations.
Numerology has always gained interest among many scholars from the ancient days. All ... Views: 1607
The present day men are much aware of Numerology. The concept is today well known to all to some extent. Nowadays many people are enthusiastic in learning the process involved in the determination of the characteristic features of the people. Numerology is not at all a new concept, but a very ... Views: 2692
The Numerology is an interesting subject. The Name Numerology concept of it is used for the accurate predictions of the characteristic features of all. It is easy to learn through practice the calculations involved in the Numerology.
Do you love your name? It is the very first identity of ... Views: 859
Since the time men have taken birth, there has been a constant endeavor from them to make life better. A hard struggle has been done to enter the advance age of the human civilization. Today inventions of machines have made the human life faster than ever. The Computers are the best machines ... Views: 1172
From a student to a businessperson, everybody is familiar with calculator. But, the discussion, we are making here is not on the calculators that are commonly used. The discussion is centered on the use of a calculator that is effective to calculate the numerical digits, important to a person’s ... Views: 1698
Two types of people can be found, who believe in astrology or numerology and who does not. The reason is very simple. Some people rely on scientific approaches and some on their fate. Though, if we make an in-depth analysis, we may get some critical reasons also, because, this is not a concern ... Views: 4898
Are you anxious about your future? Most of the people remain anxious regarding their future days. As nobody has control over their future they tend to be anxious in this issue. To some extent it is normal, but if creates imbalance in your life, then you must have to search for a suitable way to ... Views: 2710
“I am not what I think I am; I am not what you think I am; I am what I think you think I am”. This quote indicates a great number of meanings. Every person is unique in this globe among billions of people. Everybody possesses a unique personality. On the other hand, to give their child a unique ... Views: 1078
When a baby is born, everybody in the family searches for a suitable name to name the baby. In every society, sex of a baby influences his or her name to a great extent. There are some names those are considered suitable for boys (masculine names) and some are suitable for girls (feminine ... Views: 977
The Name Numerology is a wonderful concept that was invented centuries back. The Chaldean or the Cradle of Civilization was the most famous philosopher, who invented this theory. It was not famous in the beginning, but became famous with the passage of time.
Chaldean was one of the best ... Views: 1904
Metaphysics is an interesting subject of science. It deals with the relationship between the living beings and the physical world. Though the concept is still unknown to all in detail, but the search for this biggest quest in the history of universe still continues. This is probably one of the ... Views: 2851
Many people are highly eager to know about their lucky numbers. They want to know that which number can bring luck to their life which number represents bad luck as well. The list of such numerology enthusiast is quite long and it has common man, students, business merchants as well as ... Views: 1351
The development of technologies gives us many useful things. We can enjoy lots of new ideas and service through this development of modern technologies. There is hardly any segment of our life where modern technologies are not influencing us. For example, the practice of numerology can be done ... Views: 1213
People, who are in stress and facing several difficulties in their life, often try some mystic theories in order to get solutions. They try to find out a way to get rid of their problems and hence they start believing in different types of mystic practices. Though numerology is claimed to be a ... Views: 1173
Numerology is amongst those believes that have been influencing human life since the ancient era. Still now the craze for this subject is really high among the people. Be it a common business man or a celebrity; knowing the “secrete” of numerology is a common factor for all who believes in luck. ... Views: 1071
The game of numerology is nothing new in human civilization. Some find it as superstition, some take as science and for some people it is a way to find some positive path for their future life. Different people have different viewpoints regarding the entire practice of numerology. However, ... Views: 1134
There are lots of people who like to know there future. They want to be sure about their future life and about the upcoming positive and negative influences of their life. They search the source through which they can easily know about their future and numerology is one of them. Many of them ... Views: 1426
The tussle between myth and science is quite old. There are lots of things in our society that are considered as science by some people and some others see them nothing but superstation or illusion. Numerology is one of them. People have been living under this dilemma since long ago that whether ... Views: 873