A brand New Year dawns upon us and has no doubt cast the reality of the past year before our eyes. The binging, the lack of exercise and the lack of trying have come to light in the shape of fat. January is a time for change and the pinnacle for searching for an answer to zap the fat away in ... Views: 1055
The reason for keeping a food diary is to let yourself know what goes in your mouth every day of the week. People adopt unhealthy habits that they become accustomed to and forget how much bad food they actually consume. Its time to be honest with yourself, without keeping a food diary you are ... Views: 1091
Below is a 60 second guide to what to avoid for quick fat loss. It doesn’t cover the A to Z of fat loss but they are some of the most important reasons why people gain fat.
Did you know eating processed food and junk food will make you fatter no matter how much exercise you do?
Eating ... Views: 1249
Let me give you an example of a typical day of a busy person and the unhealthy habits that go hand in hand.
A typical day for most people begins with a stampede to make sure they get to work on time; this is normally after failing to wake up after hitting the snooze button multiple times. ... Views: 1311
Compare your body to your ultimate dream home, this can be as elaborate as you want and anywhere in the world so don't hold back. Now imagine neglecting your ultimate dream home for a few years, those few years soon turn into a decade and so on. What do you think you will find when you return ... Views: 1067
What exactly is a Rich Body and how does it compare to a Poor Body? This will become self-explanatory once you reach your ultimate body shape. Once you reach your goal you will have the feeling of more confidence, health and happiness.
It is necessary for most people to follow a diet plan ... Views: 1154
My ethos is this, if you are not getting any results with your diet you drastically need to change something quick.
From the many years trying to get the look I wanted I overlooked my eating habits, this doesn't mean to say I didn't know what good foods were and ate unhealthily. The ... Views: 1076
The chances of you achieving fat loss or other diet and fitness related goals depend on the types of food you choose to eat, not just for your main meals but for your snacks too. Your success is determined by food quality, quantity and frequency of meals or snacks. It is important to find the ... Views: 1529
Exercise can be misleading to say the least, different kinds of exercises can have a different effect from one person to the next. One of the most common believes is that sit-ups or crunches will give you a six-pack because you are targeting the necessary muscles.
Take the religious gym ... Views: 1098
Are you committed to a six-pack workout at the gym or at home? Is your dream of achieving perfect abs and a trim waist evaporating together with any sign of progress? Did you know a good night sleep is one of the most important issues for losing body fat? Fail to get enough sleep and go to ... Views: 1592
Do you have a history of yoyo dieting and putting weight on easily? Unable to lose stubborn body fat? Does the diet and exercise thing haunt you and are you tired of it? I have observed peoples diet weaknesses and compiled a few tips to help you with issues and hard times.
Fuel the body ... Views: 1401
Muffin tops is a slang word to describe the overhanging flesh over waistbands. The unsightly look has become more noticeable in recent years due to fashions and the increase in obesity levels. The biggest part to losing the muffin top look and reducing the size of your love handles is the ... Views: 2520
The quickest way to get slim and lose tons of fat doesn't need to involve scientific jargon or a calculator. Many people jump on the calories in and calories out bandwagon only to be left disappointed with the lack of results they get from that approach. Dieters simply fail to manage their ... Views: 1721
If you are trying to battle the bulge and not succeeding then you are not alone. Despite the diet industry turning over billions each year it still has a poor success rate for its many followers.
So what is going wrong and what can be done to achieve permanent fat loss?
Fat loss has to ... Views: 1133
I have thousands of hours experience witnessing what works and what doesn't work with different kinds of diets. Those who achieve the best results all have the same things in common and take action.
The top dieters have a clear idea of what they want. This ranges from the way they want to ... Views: 1167
The 3-minute abs workout is a great way to work your abs intensely and the ultimate way to save heaps of time. But having a brilliant workout routine isn't enough to get the results you want. You need to know the best way to use the workout so you get the best results from it. Following is ... Views: 2382
In my previous article about 3 minute abs I introduced you to the concept of training your abs as hard as possible in only 3 minutes. Just to recap, choose 3 abdominal exercises and work them for 30 seconds each with no gaps of rest between any of them. When you have done the 3 exercises ... Views: 1228
I have found a way of training the abs as hard as possible in only 3 minutes. You could try different abdominal exercises with the following method but my favourite way to do this circuit is to do 3 lower abdominal type exercises back to back. You get an unbelievable burn in your six-pack ... Views: 1444
Are you looking for a way to burn more calories without it interfering with your day-to-day work schedule? There are a number of ways to move around differently at work that will increase your body's demand to use more calories. Thinking outside the box and changing some lazy habits can make ... Views: 1203
Whenever I see an advert promising extreme weight loss in a short amount of time it makes me cringe at the thought of someone stepping on the scales each day and expecting weight to quickly drop off.
It is possible to transform your body shape without ever stepping on the scales. Regular ... Views: 1079
I have tried all sorts of diets in the past but I was never impressed by any of them. After years of experimenting I discovered a very powerful way to lose weight and reduce fat. This could be the most important article you ever read about dieting so do yourself a favour and spend a minute to ... Views: 1127
If you want to achieve fat loss and get six pack abs you need to follow certain steps like anything else in life. There is a way and a system for just about everything and dieting and exercising is no exception. Below is my list of essential things to do to lose stubborn body fat fast. ... Views: 1141
Most people join gyms with a clear mind of what they want. As soon as they sign up they hit the treadmill followed by a few crunches and hope in a few months time they will achieve their objective. There is a never-ending flow of people that are willing to buy into the belief that investing ... Views: 1409
No one I know is immune to the following:
Processed food
Junk food
Consuming excessive calories
Eating the wrong kind of calories
Leading a sedentary lifestyle
Not managing stress levels
Very few of us can get away with contributing zero time to regular exercise and eat any type of ... Views: 982
I’ve heard the same excuses a thousand times, you are too busy to eat healthy or something comes up at work that prevents you from eating at all. Planning is the key by learning to become organised and manage time as efficiently as possible. It is the only way to achieve your fat loss goals. ... Views: 1062
Dieters always assume if they are not achieving fat loss the reasons must be food related. This may be the case for some people but I can assure you that there are other reasons other than food for lacking progress with shifting stubborn weight and fat.
Lets look at two of them. ... Views: 1033
What Do You Want To Look Like?
Write this down; describe everything in the finest detail and compare it to where you are now.
The importance of having a vision of what you want to look like is important because it keeps you on track. Imagine going on a road trip without a destination, its ... Views: 1116
The thought of doing any kind of exercise turns many people off because of the impression it can have. If you don't know any different then you would assume it is a long drawn out process only suited for nut cases with nothing else better to do. What if I told you that exercise doesn't have to ... Views: 1199
When I first met Kevin Nicholson one of the first things he told me was how ultra professional he had always been throughout his career with the way he looked after himself. Alcohol was limited to a glass of wine with a meal now and again; he was always in bed before midnight and never spent ... Views: 1187
Eating a well-balanced healthy diet can become a bit of a chore especially when you have to fit all the recommended nutrients and the five a day into a normal busy day. It can be difficult to say the least even for the most dedicated individual. Most of us are aware that cutting calories to a ... Views: 1208
If you are following a diet and want to lose weight then it is only natural to think you need to weigh yourself frequently to see if you are losing weight. You have to ask yourself what you want to achieve from your diet, is it to look slimmer or is it to reach a number on the scales? Think ... Views: 1072
#1 Rotate exercises
Think of exercises a bit like your diet, the more variety the better. I once learnt in a lecture that a typical person eats no more than 12 different kinds of food in a typical week. Do you do the same with exercise selection by doing the same exercises week in and week ... Views: 1020
Clocking in at the gym and putting the time in doesn’t mean you are going to end up with the body of your dreams. Forget marathon type workouts where they only allow you to exercise half-heartedly. It is time to stop guessing and living your life in hope of waking up one day and miraculously ... Views: 1134
Most women who want to get in shape will normally stay clear from doing any resistance type exercises involving weights because they believe training with weights will turn them into muscle freaks. I hear this exercise myth all the time from women; it’s probably the most common myth out of all ... Views: 1894
There is a way of achieving muscle fatigue if all you have are a pair of light dumbbells kicking around in your spare room. As long as you stick to some guidelines you will be able to feel the burn with all your workouts.
Here are the rules:
#1 Choose isolation exercises
#2 Perform ... Views: 1418
Eating breakfast is very important for fat loss goals because it helps break the fast and kick-starts the metabolism. Maintaining a healthy metabolism so it keeps running smoothly is essential for burning calories. Here is a rundown of my favourite recipes for a simple and quick breakfast. ... Views: 1092
Are you sick and tired of wasting your time on diets that never work? I am going to teach you how to write a simple fat loss plan and show you an example of how it should look.
I know time is precious for many of you so I will keep this short and as brief as possible.
In order to ... Views: 1033
There are many reasons why low calorie diets will never work for long-term results but very few people ever get to know about them. A low calorie diet is probably the first thing that pops into the head of someone wanting to lose weight or tone up the abdominal area. For many people it can be ... Views: 1176
Sometimes people look in the wrong places when they are trying to lose their last few pounds of fat. Granted, it gets harder to keep progressing with fat loss as the weeks and months go on but it is important not to allow standards to slip. There are two main reasons why the last few pounds of ... Views: 1241
If you are on a mission to get perfect abs you will need to start following some key strategies outside the box of conventional training methods. Millions are spent annually in marketing the latest gadgets for training abs and food supplements for far loss with the objective to tempt the ... Views: 1166
Improving the strength of the postural muscles in the back helps bring the body into balance and away from poor posture and potential pain. This is very important for both sedentary and active people especially for those that follow unbalanced exercise programmes. If you spend a lot of time ... Views: 1250
In this second article about the cardio fat burning myth I will compare the difference between cardiovascular type exercise and strength training in the effectiveness for achieving fat loss results. Just to recap cardiovascular exercises or cardio for short are activities including walking, ... Views: 1436
If you asked any group of people including doctors, physical therapists, and most personal trainers which type of exercise is the best for burning unwanted body fat 99% would say cardiovascular training or cardio for short. Cardio training are exercises like jogging, running, bike riding, ... Views: 1299
The following method for exercising your abs in only 15 minutes involves a warm up for about 5 minutes, this could be skipping, jogging on the spot or walking. Once the body temperature is elevated gentle stretches for the tightest muscles in your body are recommended.
The aim of the workout ... Views: 1416
Time constraints can leave people thinking they have no time for exercise. A common perception is that in order to be fit and healthy you have to spend hours sweating it out in the gym. There is a way to make the most of what little time you have and gain health and fitness in less time whilst ... Views: 1508
Time constraints for most people in today's fast living world often leave little time for exercise. The huge misunderstandings people have about the length of time required for exercise to make it worthwhile are usually a long way from accurate. These misconceptions gives the weaker ... Views: 1232
The nations favourite and most popular breakfast foods are breakfast cereals. The problem with breakfast cereals is that they are high in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates have an insulin provoking effect that can cause weight gain. To stabilise blood sugar levels protein and good fats need to be ... Views: 1128
When a food is genetically modified it is for the benefit of resistance against insects, herbicides or to make it taste better. No research or studies have ever been done with humans to show what genetically modified foods can do to our health so you could say humans are the guinea pigs in an ... Views: 1070
Today there are many vegetarians in our society as well as other groups that eliminate meat for spiritual or ethical reasons. My awareness of the high numbers of people practising a vegetarian lifestyle or some level of vegetarianism came about from doing my job as a personal trainer. I was ... Views: 1044
Fail to plan and plan to fail. You can't get truer words when it comes to achieving a goal but it's especially true when it comes to fat loss and achieving an impressive midsection. If you don't know how to flatten the barriers that can stand in between you and your goal then you will never be ... Views: 1151