What exactly is a Rich Body and how does it compare to a Poor Body? This will become self-explanatory once you reach your ultimate body shape. Once you reach your goal you will have the feeling of more confidence, health and happiness.

It is necessary for most people to follow a diet plan as tightly as possible especially when we live in the midst of the unhealthiest urban jungle in history. Commitment, the right approach and time is all that it takes to reach fat loss goals. Anything short of this simply won't work for some people because they are that far away from where they need to be.

Ok, back to what a Rich Body actually is. It certainly isn't somebody who has got financial wealth and a string of expensive material possessions. A Rich Body is something priceless and beyond being acquired through any other means other than moving through habitual movement i.e. regular exercise and practising healthy eating. Not forgetting the art of juggling the right kind of lifestyle whatever the day brings and controlling stress levels on all floors. This in my books resembles a Rich Body because it is Rich in health.

Sooner or later you will realise that health is the most sort after possession in the world.

It doesn't matter what shape or size you are, it is possible to have good health and pleasing aesthetics regardless of height, width or weight.

Your body doesn't care about what background you come from, how much money you earn or how important you think you are. We are all on the same level playing field when it comes to taking responsibility for our own health. In other words we have to tread the same territory if we want all-round health and a body that matches.

If you want to look slim and be in your best shape with good health throughout your years of your life you have to work for it. You can’t sit back and expect health to look after you whilst you ignore it.

Health isn't like buying a new car where you drive away today and pay later. You have to pay the price now to reap the benefits further down the road of life. This may sound boring because our modern day culture demands acquiring what we want on a whim and with ease.

That may be why the statistics are high for those who can't maintain a healthy diet for long or stick to any kind of exercise regime because our lifestyles have become accustomed to a standard of getting what we want without any upfront effort. Or have we just become lazy with our modern day living standards?

This is an excerpt from the chapter Rich Body Poor Body – taken from Fat Loss Every 10 Days, Step 1.

(c) Copyright - Anthony Chapman, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Author's Bio: 

Anthony Chapman is a Body Transformation Coach and creator of a downloadable step-by-step diet GUARANTEED to work. Discover how to Lose Weight, Fat & Inches in Only 10 Days! This diet is EASY to implement and is intended for busy people, options to commit at different levels are presented. To get FREE FAT LOSS TIPS everyday for the next 10 days please visit http://www.fatlossevery10days.com/.