I was out having dinner with four other women a few evenings ago and the conversation turned, as it usually does, to men. One of us was in a committed relationship, two of us were ‘looking’, and one said she was celibate.

We asked her why she was “now practicing celibacy,” as she put it. The answer was the frequently heard diatribe about men. You know, the negativity that a lot of women spew – men are all ‘this’, men are never ‘that’, they always blah, blah, blah . . . So she feels she will find better quality men by being celibate.

Will celibacy bring her better quality men? Those of us who know law of attraction know the answer is clearly ‘no!’. Self-denial is never an answer. Ratcheting back your natural desires only squeezes down your life force; denying impulses to express love and affection close off your expression of and connection with Source. There is never a good reason to close off our connection with Source.

Now, don’t get me wrong – I’m not advocating promiscuity. I just think things should be done for the right reasons. I’m not addressing celibacy as a religious belief. I’m speaking of celibacy as a subtle and unconscious attempt to manipulate a situation to your liking. My friend is using celibacy to coerce an attitude of being valued from the next man she is with. She is also using it as a sort of punishment for the men in her past – that, need I point out, are not the ones now being affected by her decision. She is withholding herself from a natural, expressive part of herself in an effort to manipulate an outcome that she wants from a man. That never works.

There are three reasons why this will not bring her what she wants. There is a Zen saying, “Wherever you go, there you are.” Abraham puts it, “Your vibe is always where you left it.” She will never find the type of relationship she wants with a man until she takes steps to change her beliefs about men and relationships. As long as her beliefs remain the same, her vibrational frequency is the same and her relationships will feel the same.

She cannot coerce a man into valuing her unless she values herself first. Other people in our lives are always reflecting back to us our feelings about ourselves. They can’t give us anything we don’t have within us already. She has to change her feelings of not being valued in the past in order to be appreciated in the future. Choosing celibacy only postpones having the same feelings show up with the next person she is with.

The third reason is that self denial, the effort to shut down desires and feelings only disconnects us from the flow of Spirit within. Spirit is felt as life force, as desire, as expectation and anticipation. Shutting ourselves down only deadens us and ultimately, it doesn’t change anything.

If she was into law of attraction, and unfortunately she’s not, she would know that the best way to get what she wants is to focus on the type of relationship she wants. Not shut down to prevent any more hurt. One of the main principles of law of attraction is to focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want. The effect of that is to bring your expectation and belief in alignment with your desires. Then it happens – what you want shows up in your life.

She can have a loving, intimate and committed relationship by anticipating one. By imagining, remembering, and talking about good qualities that men have with her girlfriends. She can bring this into her life by knowing her own self worth and value. She can do it by appreciating the good men in her past. There are a lot of techniques we can use to change our thinking to be more positive. I have quite a few processes and exercises I use with my clients to help them shift their attraction point. If you’d like some help in this area so you can have what you want, take a look at my site: http://TheLawofAttractionTeacher.com/Services

Author's Bio: 

I have been searching for answers to the BIG questions ever since I was a little girl –the questions like, “Why are we here?” and “Why does God allow pain and suffering?” and “Why doesn’t he answer prayers?” and then, “Does he even exist anyway?”

I knew the answers didn’t lie in religion. At age 10, I discovered some of the answers were in metaphysics. I found that mysticism and parapsychology gave me some answers and even more questions. Then in high school, I ‘discovered’ quantum physics and I knew then, my life’s work would be to understand time and space and life on earth as we know it. But I still wasn’t sure how or where to find the answers.

I studied everything related and even remotely related to the things I wanted to understand. My detailed vita is here. I searched around and went to 5 colleges before I finally got an undergrad degree. I never could decide what I wanted to be when I grew up. In Paris, I learned that Buddha was a black man, and possibly Confucius was, too. I learned that the Ten Commandments were based on the Egyptian 42 Principles of Ma’at, and I wondered why no one ever told me this before. What other knowledge was religion hiding from me?

It was when I was in college in New York City that I first found the Seth books (by Jane Roberts) and I knew instantly, I had found the TRUTH. I read them all and searched for people to discuss them with. Through Seth, I found Science of Mind and a whole community of people who thought and believed what I believed – that we are made in the image of God in our creative abilities and that we create our reality – absolutely and completely at all times.

My intellectual knowledge of how this all worked was deep, but I wanted to LIVE it more and more consciously. I wanted to create MY reality for real on a daily basis – not just in principle. My asking – and everyone else’s – brought Abraham (Abraham-Hicks.com) to speak to us. Friends gave me an Abe tape in early 2000 and my life has never been the same.

Abraham brings it all together for me. They show me how to LIVE it. Through Abe, I have found my life’s purpose. My purpose is to Awaken People to Their Spiritual Power within. (To awaken – remind – reveal – people to the divine within them.) To show people that there is a power for good in the universe and that they can use it to live a life of joy, prosperity, laughter, love and all good things.

A friend said to me one day when I was complaining about having to work for corporate America, “All you want to do is lay on your a** and read books!” and I realized he was right – sort of. I want to read books and then tell people what I’ve learned. Now, I’m doing it. I’m living my dream life and it only gets better and better. I want that for you, too.

P.S For those who want to know more of the mundane: I got a graduate degree (MBA) from The Wharton School of Business, worked for over 25 years as a consultant to Fortune 100 businesses, live in an old Victorian house in an historic neighborhood in Philly, drive a Mercedes convertible (fun), wear my hair in dreads (authentic and freeing) and just finished studies to become a Spiritual Teacher with the Centers for Spiritual Living. For more see: http://TheLawofAttractionTeacher.com

I love my life.