I agree that Law of Attraction can be applied within any religion, as it points to a universal truth that all the primary spiritual teachers have been pointing to since the dawn of man's ability to wonder about such things.
At the same time, I think that exactly BECAUSE it is a universal concept that Law of Attraction is pointing toward, it is a good opportunity to, and was perhaps meant to, actually broaden the discussion on God and religion, and perhaps further our understanding in that area so that we might ever more effectively use this principle, and create ever more wonderful live experiences for ourselves and each other.
The folks who packaged and put forth this phrase, "Law of Attraction" did so in an effort to help us see this underlying truth that is present in the universe. They did this, extracting it from teachings of religion, in an effort to help us get the benefits of this universal truth without having to get stuck in the mire of religious confusion, which I feel is a great sentiment and is doing a lot to open people's mind and broaden their search.
But here's the issue I see. The law of attraction as it is currently put forth is not working for most of the people attempting to us it, and won't because it is an incomplete presentation. Its a snippet of truth from a larger underlying Truth, which must be fully understood and believed before the Law of Attraction will consistently produce results.
The underlying Truth to which it is pointing is the underlying connectedness of us as people to the Universal Intelligence, or Source, or whatever tickles your fancy as a term.
But here's the problem. Law of Attraction won't fit into and consistently work alongside some of the predominant religious beliefs, in my opinion. For Law of Attraction to work, which is really the nuts and bolts of, and a less inflammatory word for, Faith, for it to work one must truly learn to understand and accept the divine nature of Source or God as an ever present pool of love, beauty, and creativity every looking to express itself in and through the multitude of forms here in this plane. Ever present, only loving, and through it, we're ever connected, not only to it, but to each other.
This is at the heart of what those teachers taught who also taught how we get to be the author of our existence through a law of spirit at work here, which allows us to affect matter with our faith. However, if one lives in a system of belief where God is separate, God is judgmental, God is angry or jealous, and who see's one self and others as "sinners", bad, wrong, and headed for "hell" then one is not fully understanding the underlying nature of God and the universe in which the Law of Attraction operates, and as such, is doomed to limited results.
I like the Law of Attraction. I agree that anyone of any religion can appreciate it. But I feel that until one really understands the nature of the underlying Truth from which this concept has been plucked, that they will not be able to truly manifest those desires they are longing for.
With that, I have hope that the Law of Attraction is then an opening into the broader discussion of the true Nature of Things and helps lead us into further searching and finding the Universal Truth, whereby we cast aside any well meaning religious misconceptions we may have adopted that are keeping alive the illusion of separateness between God and man, and each other.
How about you? What are your thoughts on this?
Chris Connell
I am next generation teacher of personal and spiritual development. You can find out more about me on my site at www.makethemostofthislife.com
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