When trying to figure out new ways to help your child stay strong and healthy during this busy time of year, think about breaking it down into baby steps. The great philosopher Hippocrates said it best when he said, “let food be thy medicine”. In other words, start with your child’s diet and ... Views: 1699
Depending on who you listen to, most of you know that your child should be eating between five and nine servings of vegetables every single day. But how in the world can that happen if you have a child resisting anything that looks like it came from Mother Earth?
It’s not easy, that’s for ... Views: 1710
I have parents ask me all the time about this elusive “window” for autism recovery. You know what I mean, right? We’ve been told in the past through the media and various sources (mostly well-intentioned, I believe) that you must get an autism diagnosis and begin treatment immediately, because ... Views: 2165
Last month, I was honored to be invited to the iLs (Integrated Listening Systems) Annual Conference in Denver, Colorado, where I had the opportunity to interact with a diverse group of doctors, therapists, educators, and other professionals. The one thing all of these people had in common was ... Views: 2269
Going on the Gluten-free, Casein-free Diet (otherwise known as GFCF) can have tremendous benefits for children on the autism spectrum. In fact, many physicians agree that by removing potential inflammatory ingredients from a child’s diet (especially a child on the spectrum), you have a much ... Views: 1648
We’ve all heard about how children with autism are drawn to the Apple iPad because of its portability, ease of use and innovative touch-screen technology. Now, there’s another reason for children (and parents….and teachers) to be excited about the iPad. It’s called “Injini”.
Injini is a ... Views: 2454
Is there really such a thing as autism independence?
Many parents wonder what the future will hold for their child with autism. Will my child ever be able to drive a car, or live on his own, or be able to hold down a job?
It used to be that parent’s expectations were set very low for ... Views: 1855
Through all of the hustle and bustle of modern family day life, and especially if autism is part of your family dynamic, it pays to be reminded that we Mommy and Daddy Warriors need to remember to take care of ourselves along the way too. I was honored to interview self-help expert, David ... Views: 2121
With Father’s Day right around the corner, I found myself recently wondering what it means, for most men, to be a good father. Different men have different upbringings and different ideas about how to be a father, but does that make them better or worse than the next guy?
Some men may ... Views: 1899
As you start looking at your child’s diet and what you can do to help your child’s body heal, you may decide to take gluten, casein, soy or even all three out of the daily menu. That can definitely be a step in the right direction, especially if your child suffers from gastrointestinal ... Views: 2782
Are you thinking about going gluten-free or have you already made the leap? If your child has autism, you might see tremendous gains once gluten is removed from his diet. Gluten can be an insidious little critter that can wreak havoc on your child’s inflamed, overworked and underperforming ... Views: 1673
For any of you who might be wondering if your spectrum child will be under your roof forever…well, this one’s for you.
My son and I had the coolest conversation the other day at dinner, when it was just the two of us. I’ve been trying for the last few years (on occasion) to ask my son what ... Views: 1431
I’ve been learning more and more lately about how many of our children with autism are affected by a disruption in their sensory systems. A lot of our kids are simply overwhelmed a LOT of the time. Their bodies do not process their environmental cues the same way other people’s do, and so it’s ... Views: 2274
Everyone knows that one of the telltale signs of autism is an inability to communicate effectively with others. A lot of our kids have trouble processing incoming information in a timely manner which results in frustration for them and us.
Can you imagine what that must be like?
Just ... Views: 1877
My son’s grandparents are the first people he thinks of when he thinks of family. That warms my heart because I’ve made a pretty concerted effort at making sure we go and visit them at least once or twice a month. I want him to know them as long as we’re all around, because I don’t ever want ... Views: 2900
There are so many theories and protocols about helping our children with autism. Some make sense. Some don’t. I had a parent ask me yesterday, “I want to know what I can do RIGHT NOW to help my son. I don’t have time to wait for a new doctor to see him or to wait for government help. The ... Views: 3158
There are so many theories and protocols about helping our children with autism. Some make sense. Some don’t. I had a parent ask me yesterday, “I want to know what I can do RIGHT NOW to help my son. I don’t have time to wait for a new doctor to see him or to wait for government help. The ... Views: 3158
There are so many theories and protocols about helping our children with autism. Some make sense. Some don’t. I had a parent ask me yesterday, “I want to know what I can do RIGHT NOW to help my son. I don’t have time to wait for a new doctor to see him or to wait for government help. The ... Views: 3158
I’ve been threatening for some time now to do a whole show about poop. Yes, that’s right, poop. It’s a subject I’ve become rather familiar with – ever since my son got diagnosed with autism. And I know there are a lot of other spectrum parents out there who have reluctantly been promoted to ... Views: 1892
If you have a child with autism, you’re probably already aware that his body might have difficulty eliminating toxins and other harmful substances efficiently. He may have recurring viral infections or an abundance of heavy metals. There may be a lot of behavioral and mood issues, or perhaps ... Views: 8410
When we first started trying to get to the bottom of my son’s health issues, one of the things we were told by his specialist is that he had a “leaky gut”. Wikipedia describes a leaky gut as “intestinal or bowel hyperpermeability”.
That just sounds painful, doesn’t it?
As I understand it, ... Views: 2901
Why In The World Would You Defend Andrew Wakefield?
By Susan Lynn Perry @ The Mother Cub Show
This is not the first time I’ve been accused of being crazy. And I’m certain it won’t be the last. That question was actually put to me a few days ago. A person, who shall for now remain ... Views: 1988
That Fateful Day
By Susan Lynn Perry
"Honey," my husband said breathlessly, "I've just landed in Dallas and I've got to catch the van to the hotel." He paused, panting. "I know it's late, but I'm going to call you as soon as I get to the hotel. I've got something really exciting to tell ... Views: 1532