You really had to be there. In Atlanta – where I was the day it felt like the world was coming to an end. Severe winter weather hit and the city came to a total standstill.
From a Canadian’s perspective, it was no big deal. To the people of Atlanta, it was a living hell for at least 48 hours. I have many stories I can tell – but I am choosing to speak of my experience with 2 amazing and inspiring leaders.
I was in Atlanta to participate in a Mastery Program for Professional Speaking and Mastery, led by Suzanne Evans and Larry Winget. It is the Hell Yeah Star Mastery Program and I was so very excited! Part of the program content included a ‘Make-Over Day’ at Nordstrom’s – a simple and easy 10 minute drive from our hotel.
What actually transpired was neither simple nor easy. It was a true test in leadership – and it was one experience where I knew, and was grateful, that I was in the right place with the right people.
So – picture this: a bus loaded with 40 excited program participants – leaving the hotel for a 10 minute drive to Nordstrom’s at the mall for a fantastic, fun day of make-overs! Yes!
Now, picture this: a major weather front moving in – and quickly – and within the next many minutes, a ‘state of emergency’ is declared and everyone is told to go home. And that’s exactly what happened.
The bad weather hit and hit hard. Everyone was on the roads – traffic quickly came to a half. Cars in Atlanta are not equipped with winter tires – citizens are not dressed for winter weather – no one anticipates the horrific experience that all of us were about to witness/experience. Aside from the fact that cars were slipping and sliding everywhere – roads were closed – cars ran out of gas and were abandoned – and so much more. This is no joke – this is real. From the window of the bus, we witness all of this and more. Our bus driver is making the white-knuckled trip, inch by inch, to the Mall. There’s no way to turn back.
In the meantime – at the back of the bus – the incredible Suzanne Evans in control. With the Mall closed, employees being sent home – the bus barely crawling along the highway – what is about to happen with 40 participants in a program who paid BIG DOLLARS for this part of the program – who flew in from around the world to be there for this one day – also keeping in mind our photographer had flown in from Los Angeles and was on the road somewhere, with all her equipment, to meet up with us after the make-overs so we could get professional photos done for book covers, etc.
You want to talk about First-Class Leadership in Tough Times? Let me give you my observations about why this all turned out in the best way possible.
Not just everyone gets to work with Suzanne Evans. She has worked hard to reach this level of leadership in our industry – she has earned a high level of respect – and, as a result, can choose who gets to work with her. This doesn’t happen overnight – and very few reach this level. Suzanne Evans is the epitome of a highly respected, smart, successful leader. Commitment!
I have been in many challenging situations in the past with client groups. It just ‘takes one’………to turn it all around and focus on the negative. This did not happen at all in the Atlanta experience – and I attribute that to the quality of the clients attracted to working with Suzanne Evans. Each and every person pulled together to make the best of the situation – to help those who did not have the proper clothing, etc. for this kind of cold weather (and it did get cold on the bus). This quality of client has a certain mindset – positive, forward thinking and success minded. It was a pleasure and a privilege to be surrounded by this type of entrepreneurial spirit. Commitment!
As the bus crawled along the highway, Suzanne was constantly on the phone – creating new back-up plans. The Mall was closing – store employees were being sent home – however, contracts had been signed and needed to be honored. What was the best outcome for all? Suzanne handled it all with the utmost professional manner. We arrived – the Nordstrom staff was there to provide service (kudos to Nordstrom’s!!!!!!) – hair-dressers were still there for us – make-up artists and so on. These employees ended up having to stay overnight at the store. Commitment!
As we were all going through the different steps/stages of the make-over, it was apparent that the weather had crippled the city. There was no returning to the hotel on the bus for us. Keep in mind that we had participants here from California, Florida, etc. – none of whom had the appropriate clothing for this kind of weather. Jumping into (leadership) action again, Suzanne and her team quickly gathered the shoe size of each person – and made arrangements for appropriate footwear to be purchased and worn. It was obvious now that we would be walking to the train station, as the only means of transport back to the hotel – and from the train station to the hotel, there was a 2 block walk! Commitment!
I am constantly watching and observing human behavior. I was watching and listening as Suzanne Evans and her team played flat out. Every little detail was covered – every client was served in a first class way – every team member kept a smile on their face, no matter the discomfort they were feeling themselves. Customer first. I felt it. I believed it. I was grateful for it. Commitment!
There just is NO Leadership book that will teach you any of what we experienced that day. As an entrepreneur, tough times will happen. I’ve seen them. I’ve experienced them. This experience was unlike no other. I doubt, quite honestly, that it could be replicated by anyone.
I am convinced they ‘broke the mold’ with Suzanne Evans. While the experience was pretty difficult and challenging – for me, I am forever indebted to Suzanne and her amazing team. She not only attracts the BEST clients – she has recruited and retained the BEST team members. Commitment!
Pat Mussieux is fast becoming regarded as a highly valued Canadian mentor for women entrepreneurs taking her own business from zero to a multiple 6-figure home-based business in less than 4 years. Much of her success can be attributed to her expertise in marketing, mindset and money!
Pat Mussieux is a business coach, author, speaker and radio host. You can reach her at
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