Have you ever made a mistake?
Done something you shouldn’t have?
Said something you shouldn’t have?
Not done something you should have?
Not said something when you should have?
I know I have.
And you know what?
As bad as it seemed at the time, and no matter how bad it ... Views: 1318
Have you ever thought something was going to happen just because its what you thought you deserved?
Or that somebody else knew something because you knew it?
“Yes, I have, Mike. What’s the big deal? Everybody does it.”
Here’s the big deal.
If you think something is supposed to ... Views: 5156
Remember that old story about the tortoise and the hare?
I want you to be the tortoise.
The tortoise, why?
Because if you work slowly and deliberately you will make less mistakes and produce a higher quality product.
The hare races through life, never taking time to worry about the ... Views: 1248
Do your presentations S.U.C.K.? If they don’t then you are not being as successful as you could be!
“That is the most insane thing I have ever heard, please explain!”
No, No, I don’t mean that your presentations should literally suck!
S.U.C.K. is an incredibly simple to remember ... Views: 1281
I know you don’t always have to get it right.
What the heck does that mean, you don’t always have to get it right?
It means just that; it is OK to sometimes not get it completely correct.
Let me explain a little.
How many times have you had a project where you were so concerned about ... Views: 1088
Think back to a time in your life when you had to learn a new skill.
Were you able to perform that skill to complete perfection the very first time you tried it?
My guess is no.
Chances are you made a mistake. Maybe even a lot of mistakes.
But, if you stuck with it, you gradually ... Views: 1286
Have you ever seen a speaker who thrilled you down to your toes?
How about just the opposite?
I’ve seen both and unfortunately, the boring ones far outweigh the exciting ones!
Let’s examine two people; Ferris Bueller and his teacher - played by Ben Stein.
The teacher just plodded ... Views: 1203
Do you believe in yourself?
I do.
Sometimes all it takes to be successful is a positive mind set.
Positive thoughts can be powerful.
Believing in yourself is a huge first step towards a successful presentation.
Just for a moment, forget all the stress, anxiety, and nervousness you ... Views: 1216