Where do you wish to spend your energy? On things you have no control over or on things you do?

I’ve been collecting “tools” for a long time now. Tools that help me discover more about myself as I pursue a stronger sense of who I am and what I want to offer the world.

The most recent tool I added to my collection came as a result of hearing a quote from Katherine Lucier.

“Do your work lovingly.
Pay attention to the details.
Let go of the attachment to the outcome.”

Have you ever been attached to the outcome of a particular situation?
• Perhaps it’s something at work – a project that needs to be completed
• Perhaps it’s about a personal relationship and how you want the other person to respond
• Perhaps your kids aren’t following the path you’ve been wishing for them
• Perhaps you’re being impatient concerning your own personal self-growth.

Is there something specific that comes to mind for you?

Our attachments to outcome are the only time we get tripped up. More often than not, outcomes are contingent on another’s behavior and short of forcing someone’s hand – someone else’s behavior is still the sole responsibility of the other person. (Oh you can convince yourself for awhile that you’re in control of them – but sooner or later the truth comes out. You can control you and what you do, and that’s it!)

So, what are you left with?
1. Doing your work lovingly
2. Paying attention to the details
These are the two places you have all the control

How do you do your work lovingly?
Whether you’re building a birdhouse, driving the kids to work, running a corporation or trying to chair a committee what does love look like?
To me, it’s in the approach. It’s about being present in that moment and having all of your energy there.

It’s thinking about the birds who will enjoy the birdhouse and it’s catching up on the kids lives as you sit in traffic, it’s understanding the intention of your company and holding fast to those values, its understanding that everyone at the committee table has something to offer and allowing yourself the freedom to recognize each individuals gift.

When you do your work lovingly you’re in-tune with who you are at a deeper level. Not just this physical shell but the spirit part of you. When you do your work lovingly you are connected to your natural abilities and you begin to ignite the passion in yourself.

But instead of expecting that to feel like a lightening bolt or a big burst of cosmic power – sometimes it simply feels like peace – as if you just KNOW this is all going to work itself out.

How do you pay attention to the details?
Your details that is; remember, everyone else needs to take care of their own.
• Are you inclined to make lists and check them off as completed?
• Do you establish more of a general overview and keep tabs on things as time unfolds?
• Perhaps you operate more on a gut instinct and respond to what’s in front of you at the moment.

No matter how you personally approach details it’s about being present in that moment and paying attention to what you need to pay attention to.

The inevitability of paying attention to details or being in the moment is once again – a feeling of peacefulness. An understanding that you’ve done your part; and you’ve done your part well.

If you’ve brought your love and your natural abilities and gifts to the matter, you have done enough. Quite frankly, you’ve now done all you can do (everything else is just an illusion).

This really is a study in understanding the essence of what you want. Perhaps you want a project to go well, you want a relationship to go better, you want your kids to land well, you want to experience joy in your life. Letting go of the ‘how’; is probably the most life transforming gift you can give yourself (and the ones around you).

Are there places in your life where you need things to be a particular way in order to be happy? Do you need a person to behave in a particular way in order to be content? Do you expect yourself to be a particular way in order to believe in your own personal self-worth?

If something comes to mind; are you interested in approaching it in a new way? Are you willing to bring your love and ability to it – and then let the chips fall where they may?

Do what you can (do your work loving, pay attention to the details) and let go of your attachment to the outcome.

If you’d like some help discovering how to develop these skills check out www.RubyShuze.com.

Author's Bio: 

Layne Schmidt is a life long learner. She believes that we all have an innate ability to create a life of our own choosing. She has developed some practicl tools to help people get through old (ineffective) behaviors with the desire to help them see more clearly how they are standing in their own way of whatever it is they truly want to experience in this life time.