Gut Problems - So Many Have Them
“All diseases begin in the gut”, said Hippocrates. And back when he said this they didn’t have all the junk we have today that we call food. Gastrointestinal problems are the most overlooked and most common health problems today. Who do you know that doesn’t ... Views: 972
Yes, yes, it’s the flu season and every newscaster is warning “this may be the worst flu season; it’s hitting some areas early and hard.” Look it up. This is what they say. They said the same thing last year and the year before. They’ll say it next year. Same words. Watch for it as early as ... Views: 829
You may think this doesn’t apply to you but listen, one out of three people in the U.S. will develop diabetes! We have been brainwashed to think that getting diabetes is a natural, normal process of aging and that you can continue living the way you have always lived, just now with diabetes. ... Views: 1083
Balancing the major metabolic systems; this is what you must do to improve your health.
If your adaptative capacity suffers because of bad sugar control, you may be advised to take a sugar lowering drug; fine for your sugar, but this may severely affect your metabolism. If you have fatty ... Views: 813
How To Improve Health
As you age you are going to deplete your Vital Reserves; your ‘functional’ tank is going to get low. You are going to run out of energy, get tired more easily, gain weight, lose memory, and affect all your other conditions as you age.
This will happen when you do ... Views: 898
Insulin resistance is rising with epidemic proportions.
Insulin resistance is a state in which the body cannot use insulin effectively.
Insulin is needed to help control the amount of sugar in the body. As a result, blood sugar and fat levels rise. When you eat a high carbohydrate diet, ... Views: 875
Emotional stress happens when your negative emotions begin growing out of control and taking over your life.
Why do you set things up in your life the way you do? Do you feel like you sabotage yourself constantly, not allowing yourself to feel successful or important?
You have a ... Views: 1025
Your body is constantly trying to re-balance itself to maintain homeostasis. If everything goes correct and your stress is minimal you will have a happy environment of good chemistry, temperature, and pressure. You will be in a low stress zone. It's when things go wrong that will affect your ... Views: 1602
Sarah Parisian, a little 8-year-old girl, finished her last radiation session in a Chicago hospital and she and her mother traveled home to Minnesota, USA.
After she returned home she was ‘free of cancer’ but the oncologist demanded that she undergo chemotherapy and radiation. Her parents ... Views: 1091
You will never live a perfectly happy life. There are always unfulfilled dreams, wishes, and promises. There are many times of frustrations. There are tensions. We suffer from the torment of living an insufficient life; there is no completion in this life. This isn’t to bring you down – au ... Views: 1501
How to Deal With Stress
One way I know how to deal with stress is reading a good book by my fireplace on a cold evening after work. Nothing could be better.
But reading in front of the fireplace might not be what you need to relax.
What will help you deal with stress?
There are two ... Views: 1094
With all the noise in your brain how can you even think straight let alone try to listen to yourself? We are going to do just that. You will need 10 minutes to sit down and get comfortable while I unwrap your head and change a few negative ideas and emotions you have before putting it back on ... Views: 879