Gut Problems - So Many Have Them
“All diseases begin in the gut”, said Hippocrates. And back when he said this they didn’t have all the junk we have today that we call food. Gastrointestinal problems are the most overlooked and most common health problems today. Who do you know that doesn’t have digestive problems? How many TV commercials talk to you about digestion offers? And what is Larry The Cable Guy Doing Promoting Gut Medicine?
Billions of dollars are spent every year on digestive aids. While the drugs offer temporary and sometimes immediate relief, the underlying causes of the problems go ignored, and people end up far worse down the road.
Problems with digestion lead to immune system problems. The lining of the gut is an important immune barrier and poor gut health leads to autoimmune diseases, thyroid problems, and immune compromises.
GUT FLORA — One of the first things to go with a poor digestion is your gut flora or good bacteria. Normally, you have 3-4 pounds of natural bacteria in your gut designed to help your digestion and immunity. But how many antibiotics have you taken that kill off your natural bacteria? How much food do you eat that has antibiotics added?
You have to replenish your natural gut bacteria and stop killing them off. One of the best things you can do for your health is add some good Pre and Probiotics. And you can’t get enough in yogurt.
STOMACH ACID — Another common problem is low stomach acid. When food is not digested it putrefies, ferments, and becomes rancid in the stomach giving you gas and other discomforts. The small intestine won’t accept the rotting food so it backs up into the esophagus irritating the delicate tissue causing heartburn. But eventually this rotting mess passes through the small intestine where it causes inflammation, infection, and intestinal permeability called LEAKY GUT — this is an intestine so sore it has tiny holes in it; it perforates.
Your stomach should be very acidic, 2-3 on the pH scale. Acid, in the form of hydrochloric acid keeps the stomach acidic so you can digest your food. Stop drinking sodas and energy drinks, stop taking Tums, and eating poorly digestible foods like pizzas. These cause pH imbalances!
FAT DIGESTION — Your gall bladder helps digest fat. If you happen to lose it along the way — pay even closer attention. The fats you eat-and you need good saturated fat in your diet-have to be coated with bile so they don’t become rancid and produce inflammation and infection in your gut. Bile is stored in your gall bladder and released when fat is in your GI tract. If you have pain under your ribs after meals or pain into your right shoulder you may have a gallbladder problem. When you have such a poor diet your gall bladder doesn’t release enough bile. You get symptoms telling you this. A sluggish gallbladder causes your liver’s detoxification pathways to back up so you cannot detoxify hormones, toxins, and other metabolites. Oftentimes someone may suggest that you have your gall bladder removed. Many times, almost miraculously, you now can eat anything you want, you feel so good. But beware, you need to be extra careful with your digestion and your food selection. More stress is put on other glands and organs to help out your removed gallbladder.
REPAIRING YOUR GUT — begins at your plate. A healthy gut reduces the chances of absorbing harmful bacteria, harmful foods, and undigested food particles into the bloodstream. A chronically inflamed gut brought on by poor diet, poor blood sugar control, and chronic stress creates pores in the lining of your gut and allows harmful substances in where they shouldn’t be.
DIET — You may just have to change your diet again. No grain, no gluten, no sugar, eat lots of fresh vegetables, and clean, high-quality proteins and fats. The more your food is processed the poorer the nutritional value and the harder it is on your entire system.
The very least you can do about diet is to reduce your sugar intake! America has an addiction to sugar, fast food, and a grain-based diet that has made a nation of carbohydrate-addicts riding the highs and lows of blood sugar swings. The average American consumes 200 pounds of sugar. Soon 1 out of 3 people will have diabetes. Scandalous!
Dr Peter Lind practices metabolic and neurologic chiropractic in his wellness clinic in Salem, Oregon. USA. He is the author of 3 books on health, one novel, and hundreds of wellness articles. His clinical specialty is in physical, nutritional, and emotional stress.
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