There is a fair amount of confusion over what is meant by homeschooling. This confusion is made worse because each state has a specific definition of what is meant by homeschooling, and the different states have different definitions. Throw in several organizations with their definitions, the ... Views: 1777
When a person decides to continue their education beyond high school, many times they will assume that this new education will be similar to the old education they received. The prospective student makes plans to do what they did before. After all, it worked then, so it should work now. This ... Views: 1466
Sometimes we are more successful meeting commitments to others than to ourselves. This fact is the basis of what is known as using an accountability partner.
What an Accountability Partner is Not
An accountability partner is not a boss. Such a person does not pay us or reward us. We ... Views: 922
The power of mission statements for enterprises of all sizes has been shown again and again. Enterprises with strong mission statements have dramatically improved performance, increased value, and become industry leaders. The evidence for this is all around. Moving this powerful tool to the ... Views: 1420
I have had any number of fellow teachers come to me and say "I just did not have the time to cover the material today"; in fact, I have said that myself. It is very easy for the entire class period to slip away before essential material is covered, material the student needs to complete the ... Views: 1037
Og Mandino was giving a speech one time about how to be successful. In that speech, he said that although most people had gone to school for upwards of 12 years, they had never been taught how to be successful; they had not had a class on positive mental attitudes, how to set goals, how to ... Views: 1578
Many fields use logic in their efforts to solve problems; the one everyone in familiar with is mathematics, but logical problem solving also appears in history, political science, chemistry, physics, and many other fields. Logical problem solving is the basis of both deductive reasoning and ... Views: 1343
Many people like to listen to music when doing homework, particularly homework in a subject they do not like. Others prefer silence. The question arises, which is better? The answer is part personal, part scientific.
Music and the Mind
It has been scientifically proven that music, or ... Views: 1577
Probably the most universally applicable skill an adult student can acquire is the habit of reading. This skill provides the basis of most if not all of the other academic skills that a student can acquire, including the ability to design and calculate. Reading provides the framework for ... Views: 2225
When looking at a potential course of action, most people are torn between two positions: an eagerness to do something better and a fear of failure. Sadly, most people choose to emphasize the fear of failure. This is the driving force behind insurance, behind the “CYA” maneuvers, and behind ... Views: 1227
Earl Nightingale makes a point, that I agree with, that one of the common characteristics of successful people in any endeavor is that successful people have goals, goals that they know and have written down. Certainly the successful students I have known have a set of definite goals that they ... Views: 2102
One of the tasks that students tend to dislike, yet always do, is taking notes during class. After the class, the notes stay on the paper, maybe reviewed a few times, and are then thrown away, forgotten in the mists of time. The problem is that most students take notes for all the wrong ... Views: 2415
When I talk to my students outside of class, many of them agree that financial freedom is a great goal. Unfortunately, when we continue the discussion, they don't know what they mean by financial freedom, and, even if they do know what it means, they have very vague ideas on how to get there. ... Views: 993