There are a lot of ways to improve your life out there, but how to you pick the RIGHT one for you? Well, first of all you have to get out there. The bottom line is "seek and you shall find" holds true to this day! If you get clear on what you want, it likely will come. Even if it doesn't come ... Views: 1773
"In the world of getting what you want, what is the first step?" I recently asked this question to a group of people I was speaking to recently and you would be surprised what they came up with. The example I used was, "Let's say you want to buy a car. What is the beginning?" Here are some ... Views: 1594
If you want prosperity, where do you start? It is no secret that we all want it, but how do we get it? Here is a list of FIVE things you can do to get well on the road to prosperity right now:
1.Visualize it. The Universe can't give you what you don't define. It's like asking your mother what ... Views: 1373
I remember my mom talking when I was a little girl. She’d say things like, “I wish I had _____, but I know it’s too expensive for me to ever afford!” or “I could never spend that much on myself!” I remember thinking how strange that was that she would buy my brother or me a big gift, but didn’t ... Views: 1157
Everything is energy. Everything vibrates. That may sound strange, but think about it for a minute. We are accustomed to looking at things and people as having a solid form. A desk is solid. A car is solid. By the movement we can see the visible expression of energy. If you look a little deeper, ... Views: 1263
What's it like to live in a box? Most of us would laugh at that question. We immediately think of the homeless on lower Wacker Drive in downtown Chicago. Bear with me though-that's not the kind of "box" I'm talking about.
Did you ever hear the story of the guy who was stranded on the wrong side ... Views: 1154
A wise man once said to me, “If you want to be what you’ve never been, you’re going to have to do things you have never done.” I have no clue who originated the saying, I just know that it stuck with me. Over the years I’ve realized how true that statement is. At the time I was working an ... Views: 1090
So how important are thoughts to getting what you want? This is a simple question. Thoughts are the key to getting what you want. How do you think on a daily basis? What are your thoughts focused on most of your day? If a problem comes up, how do you figure out what to do? These questions are ... Views: 974
There’s a growing interest in the Science of Getting Rich. A lot of people are addressing it as a new concept in philosophy but the reality is that its theories were first documented by Wallace Wattles in the early 1900s. Wattles believed in “thinking in a certain way,” to get the desired ... Views: 1180
Have you ever prayed for something to happen, only to have it not come? Have you ever wondered why, when you so desperately wanted this one thing, it managed to elude you? Taken the wrong way, we can assess these times as the Universe “not caring,” or somehow functioning at a very impersonal ... Views: 1763
I remember waking up one day and wondering why I didn’t have what I wanted. It was a few years back and I had a graduate degree, but wanted my Masters. I had a decent job, but wanted a job I loved. I had a nice condo, but wanted a house. In the midst of this a good friend of mine stopped me ... Views: 1195
Are you trying to master the Law of Attraction but having problems? One key is to listen to your dialogue—both what you say to other people and what you say to yourself.
I had a new client of mine ask me why the Law of Attraction doesn’t work for her. I found her question to be odd because I ... Views: 1042
Many times people have difficulty using the Law of Attraction effectively when it comes to finances. The problem is universal. You don’t believe you have enough money! So what better thing to use the Law of Attraction on? Unfortunately, many people end up calling scarcity to their lies because ... Views: 991
The Law of Attraction is all about what you focus on. The basic rule is: what you think about, expands. If you’re thinking about not having enough money. Not being healthy enough. Not being happy enough. Then that’s exactly what is going to come back to you. On the other hand, if you try to ... Views: 861
Life Coaches are very popular today. Most successful people have a coach, mentors or someone who has helped them along the way. Here are some reasons why one can help you:
1) People naturally perform better when they have someone to be accountable to. It’s a fact that if you partner up with ... Views: 1214
You’ve probably heard a lot about The Secret and wondered how to make it work for you. The basics are line up your thoughts, beliefs and actions and you’ve got it! That may be simple, but here’s a description of each.
Beliefs. Beliefs are a hugely important part of the Law of Attraction. It ... Views: 1291