Join everything you can join and create a profile.
Yes, I said everything.
Whether you plan on using Foursquare or not, create your account. Same with Twitter, Bebo, Myspace, Flickr, Friendster, Meetup, name it.
In fact, while you're at it...join every professional ... Views: 673
One of the complaints I hear regularly from people is that they don't seem to be getting the results they'd hoped for using various social networking platforms. Aside from the standard "create a strategy" first step (an article entirely on it's own), I have to then ask "are you using your ... Views: 760
Athletes have been using visualization for years. They see the ball going into the hole (or the hoop or the goal, or wherever that ball needs to go). They envision the track and feel themselves crossing that finish line. They taste the dirt as they slide into home. They smell the grass as ... Views: 779
I’ve recently started working on a new batch of projects (yes, seems I can’t just launch one thing and then another…I like to go bigger than that). And like with any of my previous projects (business or personal), I tend to take on something that I’ve never done before.
This time around, it ... Views: 844