Join everything you can join and create a profile.

Yes, I said everything.

Whether you plan on using Foursquare or not, create your account. Same with Twitter, Bebo, Myspace, Flickr, Friendster, Meetup, name it.

In fact, while you're at it...join every professional organization you can. You don't need to pay a membership fee, just create a profile. I suggest starting with Ladies Who Launch and Biznik.

Be sure to fill out these profiles as completely as possible. We want to see names, photos, full bios, social network buttons, links to your blog and website, etc.

If you're not sure where to begin, check out They will allow you to enter your desired username (could be your actual name or your business name) and they'll check the availability across 150+ social networks.

No rush, you don't have to join them all today. Pick a few each week. Maybe sign up while you're watching American Idol or something.

The goal here is to not just secure your personal name, but also your business name AND to get your professional expertise out there spread across the internetosphere.

And while you're out there joining up and spreading the love, don't forget to connect -- I invite you to share a little about who you are and what you do while joining the conversation at the Success for Solopreneurs community on Facebook.

Author's Bio: 

Katy Tafoya is teacher and a coach who finds joy in helping women claim their passion and expertise. She guides solopreneurs to make their lives and their businesses juicier, more fulfilling and more successful. If you're ready to identify, claim and leverage your expertise and live your passion you can sign up for a F.R.E.E. subscription to her weekly ezine at

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