An excerpt from Your Ultimate Life Plan: How to Deeply Transform Your Everyday Experience and Create Changes That Last, by Dr. Jennifer Howard.
One realizes that all of existence is a manifestation of conscious¬ness; that ultimately everything is made out of consciousness.
—A.H. ... Views: 16224
We were talking about the importance of learning to say “No” effectively in part one. But now how do you go about it?
I enjoy helping my clients with their limits and boundaries involving their bosses, parents, children, husbands/wives or other people or situations. Often I start with what ... Views: 7869
Ever found yourself really wanting to say “No” but saying “Yes” instead?
For some of us saying "No" can be difficult. However, learning how to effectively say "No" in an assertive manner rather than not at all or in an aggressive style is an important skill that is freeing and empowering. ... Views: 8459
No matter how much we enjoy what we are doing in our life and in our business, there are times when we all find ourselves in need of a creativity jump-start. As many of you know, I'm working on a book to be released this Fall. I greatly enjoy the topic and the writing process, however there ... Views: 13602
If you have been involved in personal development and spiritual growth you have probably heard someone talk about surrender. Surrender can be different things to different people. When you see a movie and character surrender to the enemy it means giving up. That is the perspective from one level ... Views: 17388
Personal development is all about being willing to change. This willingness to be curious and grow, allows us to reach more possibilities. Personal development is an over arching term that includes many different approaches to self-improvement.
Personal ... Views: 8298
After watching so much about the death of Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson, I started thinking about some things. One is that it’s so interesting to me how many people today want to be famous. Not because they cure cancer or really make a difference, but just to be seen. Look at all those ... Views: 19260
For over 20 years, I have been working with clients, both as a psychotherapist and spiritual teacher. There has been a lot of recent attention given to the topic of “being in the now” and “being in the present moment.” This experience can be life changing, lasting minutes, hours, days, a ...For ... Views: 9730
It seems to me that in this overly busy world we all look for the fastest way to do things. For instance, consider the three-minute meal or the 10-minute workout. We feel pressured to have the latest X, Y and Z and achieve this and that. With certain parts of our life, this approach of finding ... Views: 9338
We are all bombarded by the outside world with endless numbers of things vying for our attention and our time. There are so many distractions. Many of us go from place to place trying to figure out how to get everything we want and need done.
From hundreds of television channels, endless Web ... Views: 23269
Personal development is all about change, an over arching term that includes many different approaches to self-improvement. Personal development in its largest context could encompass anything that involves personal growth on all levels, meaning physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. ... Views: 7332
There are definite long term benefits of working on your personal development as well as your spiritual growth. Often times our experiences don’t reflect a sense of progression from A to B to C, meaning it’s not exactly a linear progression. Even though sometimes we might think that nothing is ... Views: 32269