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How do you relate to your partner? When an unmet need arises, a concern or issue, listen to the words and the tone you use. Listen to the words and tone the other party uses. Are you aggressive and dominating? Is your partner aggressive and ... Views: 1214
The most successful, thriving relationships all have one thing in common: both parties have control over their own choices, decisions, and actions. Now I understand that there are some relationships that function just fine with the Alpha and Beta complimenting each other. For most couples ... Views: 1126
Do you find yourself remembering how great it used to be? Perhaps it’s the memory of a loved one, or the hurtful memory attached to betrayal from someone you trusted. The pain won’t seem to lessen over time. What do you do with this emotional burden? How do you release this crippling memory that ... Views: 1836
When you and your partner argue about money, money most likely isn’t the real issue Finance is just the arena the underlying issue gets played out on. Often the argument is about two very different belief systems. We operate from powerful principles of either one of two mindsets: lack or ... Views: 808
When you marry, you and your partner each bring a trunk load of childhood fantasies, marriage myths, unmet needs, and cultural beliefs, and unload them onto the relationship. This is where assumptions, expectations, and shoulds originate. False notions and beliefs about how your relationship ... Views: 2008
Let’s face it at some time or another almost every healthy relationship suffers a breakdown where one or both parties are ready to walk out the door. This is the natural ebb and flow. As much as you want your intimate relationship to work out sometimes it just does not seem possible. The ... Views: 10127
Whether you just met the man of your dreams or are casually dating, here are ten simple dating principles to maintain a healthy dating mindset. No matter if he considers you relationship material or just a coffee date, the most desirable women in a man’s mind are the ones who take responsibility ... Views: 5448
When conflict with your partner escalates to anger, name calling, slamming doors and irreparable damage it may be time to take a closer look at what is really going on. I get asked frequently how to fight fair without saying hurtful things that can not be taken back. Most likely something is ... Views: 1230
All of us emerge from childhood with an inborn temperament and dominating personality traits. Believe it or not, most personality characteristics are encoded in your DNA. It is these inborn tendencies that largely determine the ways in which you adapt to your childhood environment, family ... Views: 3286