For steps seven through nine we begin to clean up the garbage we left behind us during our addict days. Let's just say there's a lot of cleaning up to do and this process is one that needs to be repeated many times through your working the steps. As you approach these steps the first time, be ... Views: 1407
The First Step requires our complete surrender to what is. We are powerless over our addictions. We are human. We are fallible. The truth is we can’t go it alone otherwise we would be in this world alone and not with our peers. We exist together for a reason and a season for a purpose. This ... Views: 6199
The Housecleaning Action Steps: Steps 4-6
By Leslie Branscum
The next three steps call for immediate action upon the decision of letting God take the ruling seat of your life. Step four asks us to take a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. There is some controversy over how ... Views: 1139
Dymphna was born in Ireland during the 7th century. Dymphna's father Damon, a petty king of Oriel, was pagan but her mother was a devout Christian. When Dymphna was 14 years old, her mother died. Damon had loved his wife deeply, and in the aftermath of her death his mental health sharply ... Views: 3020