The Year of the Rabbit is here and it promises some big changes and some terrific opportunities!
Like all years, though, it also has its challenges.
But if you are prepared and put your remedies and enhancements in place, you'll do just fine. If you really make an effort, this could be ... Views: 1432
One of my favorite places to vacation is the beach. I used to live on a remote atoll in the Pacific Island (Google Johnston Island and you'll see me in a gas mask as well as pictures of this tiny pimple in the Pacific) and it was there that I began to notice the variations of blue in water. The ... Views: 2149
The Red Lotus Letter website attracts more visitors all the time. What are they looking for mostly? Two things: money and romance. It's interesting that romance is tied for the top spot. It shows how important love and romance are to people -- as much and sometimes more -- important than money. ... Views: 3086
Career success is one of the key elements to happiness. How so? If you feel stuck in your career, lack the recognition you deserve, or feel unfulfilled in your job, the time you spend at it will drag on for what seems like an eternity.
And there's no misery like 9 to 5 misery. That's why it ... Views: 1365
It's clear there's a new paradigm in business. Today's clients and customers are savvy, attuned and educated with a sensitivity (some might say allergy) to businesses that don't offer them a unique business experience. They want better service, higher-quality products and more ... Views: 1284
Everything in our life is in some way a reflection of our life. And by everything, I really mean every thing.
Our stuff has a tremendous influence over us - our thoughts, our feelings, even our mental clarity, or lack of it, as evidenced by TV shows that portray hoarders.
That's because when ... Views: 1584
Feng shui is big business. Really. A certain pharmaceutical company keeps a feng shui consultant on a million dollar retainer and doesn’t make a move or change to its offices without talking with their consultant first.
Many businesses think that feng shui means Asian decorating style. This ... Views: 3159
There's a saying that success is just the accumulation of good habits. It’s true. The more you do to help yourself and to be successful, the more successful – and prosperous – you’ll become. Success and the wealth and acclaim that comes with it isn’t as much a secret as much as it is a habit. ... Views: 1848
Every school year parents and students dutifully trudge through the malls in search of the perfect sneaker or the cool new outfit for the coming school year. However, it’s unlikely that the new shoe or shirt will benefit them at school like a new room arrangement. How so?
According to feng ... Views: 3323
Buying a home is usually a stressful experience. So much rides on a new home because this is where you relax, have fun, sleep, eat; in short, it's the place central to your life. Not only that, but homes usually cost a whole lot of money and represent our single largest investment.
Most ... Views: 10171
In times of stress and difficulty, home becomes more important to our sense of well-being. We look to our home to provide a sensory reprieve that allows us to unplug from the stresses of the outside world. In turbulent times, we especially yearn for a serene space.
However, creating a calming ... Views: 4615
Is your son or daughter not as respectful and courteous as you would like? Maybe you’d like to instill more discipline in your child. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could influence better behavior from your child just by making simple decorative changes? You can with feng shui.
Often ... Views: 13571
Is your son or daughter not as respectful and courteous as you would like? Maybe you’d like to instill more discipline in your child. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could influence better behavior from your child just by making simple decorative changes in his or her room? You can with feng ... Views: 1808
A central feng shui tenet is that marital or romantic happiness is an important element for a happy, well-lived life. And if you’ve had marital or romantic unhappiness, you know how true that is!
Of course, one of the keys to an effective partnership is having the relationship on a solid ... Views: 8929
How to Buy a House with Good Feng Shui
Your surroundings can have a huge impact on your life – to the point of affecting your personal happiness, your prosperity, even the opportunities that come to you in your life — thus making your choice of home a very important one. Because most of the ... Views: 37880
Whether you want to go on a luxurious vacation or you need to buy braces for your daughter, everyone simply wants more money. Here are some fast, easy ways to help you get a financial foot-hold in the New Year ahead!
First, find the southeast portion of your house; this is the wealth sector of ... Views: 3620