Think positive. Think creativity, success, wealth. Think big. One of the most important principles of feng shui involves the act of thinking (specifically, thinking about setting our intentions). Setting intentions means to use our mind to think about what we would like to manifest in this lifetime. Whether that be achieving our career goals, falling in love and starting a family, building a business, owning property, leading a creative lifestyle…all of these future dreams must first be thought out, then articulated. That is how we set intentions for good feng shui.

When we intend something, we’ve put our mind behind it. That’s the thinking part.
A thought is just a thought if it is never spoken. Kind of like that tree falling in the woods with no witness…does it make a noise when it falls if there is no one there to hear it?
In order for an intention to become reality, it has to be put into motion. In order to manifest the intention, we need to activate it. Activating anything takes energy.
Taking action involves body. The action taken in setting intentions is to speak the intention out loud and then to write it down.

So, where does spirit enter the picture? Spirit is reflected in what our intentions are. By setting our intentions with the highest integrity, we set the intention for the highest good of all concerned, not just the highest good for ourselves. In fact, by considering everyone’s highest good and specifying that no harm come to anyone as a result of setting the best intention, one is acting very selfishly because having such high intentions will guarantee that the very best karma will be attracted to us.

We tend to set limits for ourselves, holding our imaginations in check. When setting intentions for good feng shui, try to keep your intentions broad and open-ended. For example, instead of stating “ I would like to get a new job that pays me $5,000 more per year”, you would be better off saying, “I am open to finding a new career opportunity that rewards me handsomely for my talents”. Because, guess what? The universe could think you’re worth more than a $5,000 raise. Think about that!

Author's Bio: 

Katy Allgeyer (a.k.a. Fishgirl) has twenty+ years of Feng Shui expertise, which she blends with her highly developed intuitive ability, metaphysical shamanic healing methods, and formal art and design training that make her uniquely qualified to help people realign their environment to support their full potential. Her Feng Shui By Fishgirl Blog (http://fengshuibyfishgirl) brings feng shui to a wider audience.