We long so much for that love which will completely embrace us and enable us to live “happily ever after” that throughout the course of history we have identified true love with that crazy and blind romantic love we see in so many films and read about in so many books only to discover that that kind of love… always comes to an end.
In my ramblings through the life that I call “mine” but surely has much of the lives of others, I have learned one thing and I am very sure of it: romantic love does not exist. What I am saying is so true that if we take the trouble to look through all the dictionaries which define the word, we find that is synonymous with that which is ideal or fictitious and even with an historical trend known as Romanticism, associated with an era which, among other things, no longer exists! We human beings are certainly an incredible species. How is it possible that living on the twenty-first century we are able to keep on thinking as in the eighteenth-century? Our lives develop so rapidly that simply put, this can only happen as we don’t take the time to think about “modernizing” our thought patterns in order to stop reproducing what is obsolete.
I spent many years along my path searching for that romantic love and the simple truth is that I never found it because it never existed and also because, without knowing it, I set out to find true love from the time I was born. For many years I felt empty inside and that happened because I was looking for love outside of myself, until I finally realized that love had always been inside of me and it was the same essence I was made of. What a marvelous discovery that was! When we turn ourselves into love, the world finally transforms itself into a place of joy and harmony. One begins to live in the most magical manner. It is magical because once you understand that romantic love is only a minute part of that real love which you turn into, nothing is impossible any more and with that unique ingredient, you are able to create the most fantastic realities.
Where do you begin? You have to enter into yourself, forgive all your past, heal yourself until you love yourself so much that you turn into love. This is the metamorphosis which has inspired so many poets and writers throughout history. They themselves have experienced and written about it, so that others may live the same. How many poets have not written of butterflies turning their caterpillar legs into multicolored wings full of love?
The next step follows from the first. On the basis of loving oneself, that other being manifests itself and enters our lives, as a true reflection of self-love. This is true love, the real and unconditional love where two beings are joined as love so that they may “make” even more love.
Thus, now is the time to change the romantic for the real. It is time to be honest and ask ourselves whether that love which we deserve “to be” really exists in our reality. Let us turn inwards: there we will find our unresolved sorrows, pains and wounds. Let us bring them to light so that we may free ourselves of them and so that the space which is left once they are gone is filled by that unconditional love that will bring to us all we have come to be and to cherish. The result: another being who loves us as the reflection of ourselves, as the mirror which finally shows us how is it that we really make more love, and how do we make love being One.
Until next time and don’t forget to be love,
Roxana Jones has helped hundred of thousands of women across the world through her books, articles, HealThruWords® healing programs and inspirational quotes that are shared daily through her online community of 150K+ members. Best-selling author and spiritual healer, Roxana constantly explores and develop new ways to self-love and empower herself. Connect with her now and receive her first gift at http://roxanajones.com/#gift
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